Chapter 13: Hello, Love, Goodbye

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Please play this song while reading the chapter. I suggest that you lower your volume to feel the chapter more. 

"What are you doing?" I looked at Sandy who just woke up and is lying on the hospital bed. It's been almost two weeks of her stay in here and even though Dr. Kim tried all his best in his profession, her body hasn't shown any progress. 

I closed the notebook and stood up from the chair I am sitting, leaving the notebook on the table. "It's nothing," I said and kissed her forehead. I looked at her and my heart sunk seeing the visible changes in her face and body. Her body starts deteriorating and her cheeks sunk a little.

"Come on, show me," she insisted. I smiled and gave in to her request. I took the notebook from the table and opened it to the page where he was writing something.

"I wrote a poem," I admitted.

"A poem?"

I nodded. "About you."

"Me?" Her smile widen. "Let's hear it."

"I'm no Shakespeare so I apologize in advance if you find it lame," I tried to blabber excuses and she softly laughs. "Alright, here it goes." I took a deep breath and started reading the poem.

"If only she knew
the effect she has on me grew
Just by looking at her this way
Turns the terrible into a brighter day

When I look into her eyes
I see such beauty with no disguise
Just a glance at her makes my heartbeat rise
I know for a fact that this heart never lies

If only she knew
She has no fucking clue
How much my love for her grew
And I always pray that we could start something new

I'd do everything for her
And even though my eyes start to blur
She will be the most beautiful girl in my life has occur

If only she knew

If only... she knew"

I closed the notebook and looked at her. 

"That is so beautiful," she said like whisper. "Now I know," she chuckled, referring to the poem I made for her.

"Now you know how much I love you, Sandy," I whispered and gently cupped her cheek. Closing her eyes, she leaned on my hand and sighed in content. 

"I love you," she said as she stares at me with her eyes full of love, full of life.


I close my eyes as I feel the cold breeze gently touching my skin. I opened my eyes and looked at the vast sea below me as I stand at the bridge where it all started. Just like that day, the trees, the birds chirping, nestled and just waiting for the sun to set, the orange sky which indicates that light will soon be enveloped by darkness. Everything seems like the exact duplicate of that day I met her. The day when the crazy adventure started.

Sandy and I had the perfect adventure. Because of her, I realized how important life is. I learned to laugh with other people, exchange happiness with other people. My days with her were full of love, more than the people of this lifetime. Then she went with her unfailing faith.

Small hand tugged my shirt and when I looked up, the kid who went with me to buy what old gramps asked is giving me a toothy smile and it shows that he's missing two of his front teeth. I smiled at him back.

"Do you have memories of this place, uncle In-yeop? We've been standing here for a long time," he asked with his cute voice.

"Do you want to know a secret?" I playfully asked as I squatted to level his height. The kid vigorously nodded. "A very important event happened in this place. There was a hero who saved a man from dying."

"Really?" The kid's eyes grew bigger. "Was the hero wearing a cape? Did he fly to save the man?"

"No," I said and smile. "She used words to save the man."

The little kid's eyebrows mushed as if thinking deeply what could I meant with what I said. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Let's go. Old gramps might be more grampy if we don't bring these stuff to him."

"That's a lame joke, uncle In-yeop," the kid said and I dramatically looked at him.

"How dare you!" I said and the kid giggled. 

"Let's go back to the car," I said and offered my hand which the kid accepted delightedly. 


I parked  my car under a tree in front of the orphanage. The kids start to swarm as soon as they saw me.

"Let's all get inside. Ice cream for everyone!" I declared and all of them cheered and went inside. The nuns smile at him as he passed by them. He gave the gallons of ice cream to one of the nun before going to old gramps favorite place, under the tree where Sandy and he used to hang out before.

"I knew you'd be here," I said as I got near him. I looked up to where he is staring and noticed that the tree has more leaves.

"A lot of spring has passed but this tree never bloomed this much," old gramps commented. "It's beautiful."

"It is," I quietly replied. I knew that both of us are thinking that Sandy is blessing this tree to be more abundant. He doesn't just think, he knew.

It's been three years, but the vision of Sandy walking towards me, smiling, giggling, will stay with me forever. 

"How's the business?" Old gramps asked which made me look at him. 

"Getting by," I replied and smile.

"I heard more customers are buying the that scented candle."

"It's called them, gramps," I chuckled. "Yes, they love the scent. They say it's unique. I'm planning to add another scent."

"What is it?"

"Sandy," a smile formed my lips and I saw old gramps did the same.

"Please give me one once you're done re-creating the scent," he requested and I nodded.

"I will."

Old gramps looked at me and his wrinkled eyes smiled together with his lips. "She is proud of you."

"I know," I whispered and looked down at my feet. "I just wish she had her miracle."

"She had," he said and I look at him. "You are her miracle, In-yeop."

I sighed and looked up at the tree once again. 


It is night time and anyone who will see me may think I am crazy. I walked at the dark cemetery with a small bouquet of flowers in my hand. As I reached my destination, my smile widen.

"How are you?" I sat on the grass and removed the dried leaves that fell on her tombstone. "I'm here to visit again. You might be tired of seeing my face every week."

I placed the flowers on top of the tombstone, running my fingers on her carved name. I fulfilled my promise of having her remains be buried under the universe. This is where she had taken me and that was the first time that I had witnessed how beautiful night sky is, I lay down beside her as I stare at the beautiful stars.

I was ready to end everything. Ready to make my body part of the dust again. Ready to end my agony... I was ready to die.

I was ready to leave everything behind until the sun blissfully shimmered upon me. Until a rope was thrown to me and made me hang on it. Until the drastic waves of my ocean calmed and made everything seem to be in slow motion. Until I finally felt what hope is.

Sandy saved my life. She taught me about life, hope, and love. I miss her everyday. She may be gone but our love will never be. When you lose someone you love, they never really leave you. They just move into a special place in your heart. As for Sandy, she is my whole heart.

She is my reason to live.


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