Their ugly side

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Eren is that one person who tends to make others just as excited as he is about something, but it also goes the other way. When he is pissed off, angry and irritated he will go all pissy to others. If he is feeling bad you better know he is making other people feel bad too by making snarky remarks and after he is feeling better he will refuse to talk about it or even acknowledge he is doing it.

She refuses to stop shielding you. Like at times it's cute and all, but when on the mission it gets dangerous when she leaves her spot to make sure you are fine. Her need to protect you has put other people at harm's way when she outside the walls she heard you scream. When you try to get her to stop she will agree with you and tries to listen to you and stop doing it. Keyword tries!

The boy is perfect, i really can't seem to think of anything
I'm really sorry, i tried my best but you ain't getting anything today

This cocky man has problems with being wrong. Like if you are talking about something and get in an argument i promise to you that if you won't give in it will be the hill he is willing to die on. He just didn't see the point in saying he is wrong when he clearly isn't.
Of you smart cookie, you saw how I said didn't as in past tense. Yes he has gotten better at sometimes just giving you the win, but you have learned to agree to disagree at times.

Connie, Connie, Connie...
He sometimes takes the joke too far. Like mostly his jokes are just funny, he is cute like that. But sometimes he will accidently laugh at someone rather than with them, it's never on purpose but it happens and it hurt non the less. He will stop when he is told that it's getting out of hand, so thats good.

I know it's lazy of me to put everything on food with her but this little motherfucker eats your food. If there is a container of food with your name will she
A. Leave it be
B. Take a little bit to taste and then put it back
C. Eat it all and then put the container back so you will only realize you have nothing to eat until later when it's too late to make anything
If you said c, ding, ding, ding you are correct. She will say she's sorry but that doesn't bring the food back to you.

She will tell you to just get over things. Like sometimes she will be fine with your ranting but there are times when she is just tired and tells you to get over it, it isn't a big deal. Not that she isn't right when she says that but it's still annoying when someone disregards your struggle like that.
Please don't start a fight about it tough, that is the last thing she needs, she will listen tomorrow, i promise you

God i love this man!̈́
And that is why you already know since i have a sfw alphabet about him that goes into this. He will at times put you in charge of his well being which is just not cool, at all. Like yeah at low episodes you can help him but if that is continuous it puts lots of drain on you in one way or another.

Ugh why can't I think of anything that bad?!
Okay so we know that he never confessed to Annie so from that I have gotten a picture of him that he doesn't like to talk about his feelings on that big of a scale. Like if you do something that rubs him the wrong way he will silently suffer, and that can put strain on your relationship until you can talk about it (aka you notice he is irked and ask him to tell you why)
You try to let him know that he can tell you if you do something he really doesn't like but he is scared of making you feel bad
So his intent good but it's still not good

He more or less disregards your feelings.
This sounds really bad but it's not that bad. Like if you feel scared for his life he will tell you it's okay but do not expect him to say "okey i will skip this mission for you", he will make it known you can not stop him. He also gets somewhat annoyed when you try to argue about it, you knew what you were getting into, won't get into a screaming match though and tries to explain why it's important he does. It's up to you to understand him and that his job is important to him

He is rude. Like we all knew it. But I don't want to uphold the whole caveman shit where he doesn't know what manners are so i'm gonna explain a bit. He does try to be nice to you for the most part but sometimes it slips. Sometimes he says something way too bluntly and it makes you feel bad. He does apologize to you when it hits him that it was way too harsh (His loved ones deserve respect in his eyes, so he doesn't treat them like shit)

This was made in less than a day and the effort i put in this was not that high
I'm trying to get back into writing so this was just to get the creative part of my brain to wake up. I will be trying to make something with little more effort soon enough!

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