Reiner Sfw Alphabet

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Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show it?)
He would be the most affectionate man you have ever met. Like he will want to hold your hand in public. Inprivate though, get ready for this. He will want to just lay with you all day, walk up to you while you are doing something and just hug you. He will press his face to the crook of your neck and take in your scent.
So yeah he is very affectionate and shows it trough physical touch.
He would like you to sometimes do the same to him too. If you see him being all in all just down go and give him a hug, you can also do it for no reason at all.

Best friend (How would they be as your bestie?)
You go girl!
he will 100% be your supporter. If you got a crush, he will talk you to gods for them so they think you are a great person real quick. He will also be the person who says "Just talk to them, not that hard"
Will make time for you, if you need to talk he will be in front of your house taking you for a walk around the park while you spill all the shit that's going on in your life.

Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle?)
Yes! Remember when I told you to pull him to your chest and just let him be there while you play with his hair while quietly telling him how you love him so much? Sometimes when this man is down it's because he thinks he doesn't deserve you or he isn't sure that you can even love him, show him you can and that he deserves every little bit of it!

Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How about cooking and cleaning?)
Are you kidding me that is all he wants! He just wants to move in with you, marry you and just start living more quietly. Like he doesn't need that much more after that and sure as hell doesn't need more to be happy.

Ending (If they broke up with you, how would they do it?)
Are you trying to break my heart?
So if he was about to break up with you, it would mostly be to not hurt you. He would do it in a cold way. Like he would hurt you just to make sure you will avoid him for sure so he doesn't have to try and talk to you when you beg for him to tell you why.
I feel like if this was modern au he would just do it in text and ignore you for the rest of time.

Fiance (How do they feel about commitment? How fast would marriage roll to their mind?)
He is very committed person, he would never think of cheating and would never think that you would. He will wait for about a year (Depends on your ages but if you are both adults) before he starts testing the waters on the whole marriage thing. Will want to get married with you 100%
If you are not into marriage he will try to turn your head. Wouldn't force you into it but does tell you that he could meet you halfway and not even hold a ceremony
If you are into it he will make it the biggest thing on anyone's life, time to put that warrior cash to action and get you the most expensive dress you can find, the biggest cake and the fanciest venue. Now his in dept

Gentle (How gentle are they physically and emotionally?)
He is so gentle. Whenever he holds you or you hold him he will be so gentle with you, as if you are some sort of vase made out of the thinnest of glass. While at times he might hold on to you too tight. Sometimes when he cries and you try to comfort him, he will just squeeze you while you try to not scream out of the pain. Your back pain was taken care of after that

Hugs (Do they like hugs?)
He loves hugs. You can hug him left and right if you want to. If he is in the middle of something he won't mind it if you walk by and give him a little hug. He loves to walk up behind you and just give you the warmest hug. You feel so protected whenever he holds on toy you shielding you from the world for just a few moments.

I love you (How fast would they say it?)
Are we talking about how fast they say it or at what point does he start to scream it at his head whenever you say or do something super cute. So about two weeks in, he is feeling the love. Like whenever you walk up to him and just start talking about your day and all the feelings you have gone through in such a short time he will just scream at how he loves you in his head, like some sort of sirens are going off in there. He told you about his feelings one and a half months in, still making sure that you don't feel forced to say it back.

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