Chapter 5

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Cale looks at his reflection with Caiden holding a brush while Cadel is holding a brush and they are both putting makeup on him with Hans and a maid holding the two trying not to laugh while Lily and Calliope are on the bed with Lily making sure Calliope is awake and not trying to sleep too much by playing random games with her.

"Young Masters you did a great job! Now let's stop-"

Hans said but got caught off by Caiden


Caiden said and continue putting makeup on Cale trying to make it nice but it ended up messing it up more.


Calliope said lazily and glared at Caiden and cadel but for the others, it looks more like a pout


Caiden and Cadel said and Hans and the maid goes to Calliope and put the two near Calliope and smashed their heads together and hugged Calliope while Lily looked at them with hearts in her eyes.

Cale looked at them and slowly erased his makeup and looked at the siblings remembering him saying they need to act more childish not to raise suspicions and they made sure to act childish slowly so no one will be suspicious.

Hans gave his young master more wet towels and looked at the triplets while helping his young master.

Suddenly the door opened and it shows Violan elegantly walking toward them and suddenly getting a camera with the highest magic stones and starts snapping photos of the triplets, Lily, Hans, and Cale with Basen and Deruth behind her sweatdropping at her antics

Well they can't blame her, Cale started opening up to them slowly and they got three new nephews/niece and grandson/granddaughter

The maid and Hans looked at their masters and miss and smiled, the Henituse family is slowly getting together after their so-called 'trashy' young master began opening up to the rest of them.

"Oh Cale, the banquet is going to happen after three nights we just need to look for your dress and suits everything else is planned and put into place"

Violan said and Cale nodded and looked at his children who grinned widely except calliope who fell asleep again even while being surrounded by Caiden, Cadel, and Lily.

Basen walks towards Caiden and lifts him up gently while Lily lifts up Calliope and Hans lifts up Cadel who grabs his hair and bites his hand which is holding him but Hans didn't budge or even flinch and gave Cadel some high-quality milk while Basen began playing with Caiden's hands while Calliope just simply stare at Lily who woke her up and they started a staring contest.

Cale just stares at them slowly removing all the ties Cadel put in his hair even if Cale's hair is silky Cadel put at least 50 hair ties on his hair making his hair look like a porcupine.

The couple looked at their children smiling and gently holding hands. The sight they never thought they will see is happening in front of them along with their grandchildren with Cale the child they never thought they will have a happy relationship with or even less talk even for a minute.

Cale looked at his parents and smiled a hidden smile, he also never thought he will be this happy with his family again. 

Calliope looked at her father and smiled gently happy that he is finally slowly opening up to his family and his heart slowly opening up again after his mother died and comforting his father and choosing to protect his father's happiness completely ignoring his happiness for his father.


Ron opened an invitation that Rosalyn gave him and he read it.

Dear Ron,

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