Chapter 2

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After what happened yesterday the whole Henituse Household is in a very chaotic state everyone is preparing for a banquet to officially announce the triplets as part of the Henituse Household. The news traveled all around the Roan Kingdom and became the number one news around the kingdom.

The trash of the count's family was revealed to have triplets and have been raising them alone for one year. Many citizens are excited to see the children that are rumored to be beautiful like their father, even though Cale is trash you cannot deny that he is still beautiful with his red hair and reddish-brown hair, and pale complex that he got from his biological mother Jour Henituse one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom.


Calliope yelled running towards her father who spread his arms and hugged his daughter and twirled her around while two of his sons came running inside the room. 


They yelled before running towards Cale's two legs and latching into them.

"What is it you three?"

Cale asked smiling fondly at his three children who pointed outside his window, Cale looked out and saw Hans with a cute dress and suits for children and Cale looks at his children with an amused look.

"Did Hans try to put clothes on you guys again?"

Cale said and looked at his three children, for some, it's surprising for a one year old to outrun their butler. Even though Hans doesn't look like his that strong that guy surprisingly can handle strong stuff like lifting heavy objects and fast on his feet, that's why he is a butler who Ron doesn't scold much.

Cale pats his children and carries them towards Hans who looks tired but very excited when he  saw Cale carrying the triplets

"Young masters and Young miss! There you are why did you run away again? I personally chose this dress for you! Arent they cute? They are also very soft and comfortable!"

Cale looked at Hans with amusement in his eyes but doesn't show on his face, Hans really loves cute things no matter what is it, as long as it's cute Hans will surely like them. 

"I will carry them show me the way"

Cale said Hans immediately smiled widely and walk towards the dressing room where the triplets were trying on clothes before they ran to their father. The three looked at their father with their eyes saying 'traitor!!' Cale just ignored them and just held them down so the maids can put clothes in them that looks good and fits them well.

Cale looked at his children who all stepped out wearing matching clothes and he tears up looking at them, all of them are being held by a maid so they won't run away again running their clothes in the process.

"Young master arent they cute? their chubby cheeks and big eyes are so cute and adorable! and their hair!" 

The maids said while adoring the children while the children just glares at them that looking like a pout while Cale just looked at them while going on searching for an accessory for the three with an evil glint in his eyes.

Caine, Cadel, and Calliope look at their father in question why is he looking around the room when he suddenly smiled creepily, creeping out the maids and the children who sensed danger.

"Young Master?"

Hans said and Cale looked back at him scaring the others and softly putting the children on the chairs while all the maids and butlers walk out of the room giving the father and children sometimes.

Caine, Cadel, and Calliope looked at their father with innocent eyes and Cale began snapping pictures while trying out all the clothes in the closet for the kids.

~Dinner Time~

Hans looked at his Young Master his face stoic but the air around him scream 'Happy and Satisfied' and Hans looked at the children on his bed tired and sleeping, Hans made sure to help his young master to carry the sleeping children to his bedroom.

Cale has kicked him out for a minute before calling him back and now Hans is just staring at the adorable children in front of him.

"Young master?"

Hans called looking at his young master analyzing him, Hans might look weak but he is one of the top butlers at the Henituse Household after Ron and some old butlers who are in the house longer than him.

Cale looked at Hans and signals him to go out again, Hans sweatdropped and left the room again not wanting to see Cale glare at him again. 

Cale looked ta his children and patted them on the back they were back to being dragons, even though they are dragons they are still children. 

'Should I go to a forest to make them fee their nature as dragons?'

Cale thought and looked at Calliope

'Nevermind, I am sure Calliope won't like it she doesn't like exhausting things and rather sleeps'


"Brother! Brother!"

Cale turned around and saw lily carrying Calliope and with Caine and Cadel in Basen's arms.

"Baby fell asleep when we were making flower crowns!"

Lily said according to her she ask for a day off from her training to play with her nice and nephews in the backyard and suddenly Cadel dragged Caine into the distance while Basen just walks towards them making sure they won't get hurt while Lily makes flower crowns for Calliope who looks like she got disturbed.

Cale sigh and picked up Calliope and throw away the beer in the trash and walk towards his room with a red face, Lily and Basen watched their brother walking without a problem even if he looked drunk.

'Must be a fathers instinct'

Basen thought and continue carrying the two boys in his arms with Cadel jumping up and down while Caine hold him down.

"Brother, can I hold Cadel?"

Lily asked her brother and Basen gave her Cadel who immediately looked horrified when Lily holds him. Basen looked at Cadel in pity he knows Lily is a young girl but that doesn't hide the fact that she is strong because of all the training she does with her trainers.

Cale just listens to them quietly his face slowly smiling but Basen and Lily don't notice they are busy looking at their nephews. Calliope touched Cale's face and smiled before going back to sleep.

~End of Flashbacks~

Cale shakes his hair and pets his children's head and was about to get a beer when a yellow flash appeared in his eyes sight and the beers got destroyed. Cale looked at Cadel and got closer to him smelling him.


Cale said and he saw Cadel's wings twitch a little along with Caiden and Cale looked at the two suspiciously and sigh

"You two.."

Cale thought and just cleaned up the shard of glass and put them in a corner for the maids to pick up tomorrow. Cale goes out of his room and went to the dining room and went to his sit.

"Where are the kids?"

Countess Violan asked and Cale looked at her and she saw how different Cale's eyes are when he is with his children and without them... it looks lifeless...

"They are sleeping"

Cale said and went back to eating his food and the others continue eating their food as well. 

Cale's life of a father of unique children [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now