Amir rolled his eyes and got out the car. The whole time he was walking Bryson to his door, he was rubbing his arm. He's so dramatic.

He came back and when he sat down, he crossed his arms over his chest. Just like Onika. She birthed two twins.

I smacked him upside the head before I pulled off. He put his hand behind his head, "Ow! What was that for?!"

"Look at all the hickeys on your neck."

He pulled the collar of his shirt down to look at his neck and the top of his chest in the mirror. "Damn."

"Damn?! I'm trying to help you but you have to figure that out on your own. Are those from Bryson?"

"Some of them."

"Some of them?"

"They were both trying to mark their territory on me but obviously, it didn't work."

"What happened to class? Morals? Couth? P-"

"I get it. Hickeys are tacky, I wouldn't have any right now if it was up to me. It's not my fault more than one person wants me."

"It's your fault for entertaining two people. If your mom sees those, she's killing you. She's getting fed up and her pregnancy hormones aren't helping your situation."

"I know how to cover a hickey up, I'm good. I'm darkskin so it's not like they're really that noticeable."

"Why do you do stuff like this knowing you're not supposed to? You have a couple more months until you're off to college, why do you have to do stuff you know is going to stress your mom out?"

"I don't think you realize how strict she used to be. She only really started letting me go out when she met you. I'm not Rapunzel. I'm also not going to let her ruin my life so if I have to sneak around to actually have an enjoyable life, is it really that bad?"

"Can you really blame her? She trusted you and you had sex in her house. To her, as a mother, that's like ultimate disrespect."

"Sometimes things just happen. Gots to see it through my boy."

If I was Onika I would've slapped him right now.

"No. Things don't just happen."

"You should know, do you know how many times I've left my room to get water or food and heard my mom moaning? It's disgusting, I'm genuinely traumatized."

"I'm sorry. I'll tell her to start turning the tv on or something."

"That's so gross, just wait until we're not home."

"You don't even wait until other people aren't home, why should we? What happened to gots to see it through my boy?"

"Just stop talking about this."

"Okay, let's talk about how you were drunk driving last night. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I don't even remember doing that to be honest."

"You don't- you don't remember?!"

He covered his ears, "My head hurts really bad."

"I don't care, do you know how irresponsible that is?! Do you know what could've happened?!" I was only yelling now because he asked me not to.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

"We'll see." We were finally home so I parked where I always park.

"I'm going to go in first and distract her. I'll leave the door open so just walk in but don't close the door after, it'll make noise. Just creep upstairs and go to sleep."

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now