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One Year Later 

Steve sat back in his office as he watched the news channels - the situation in Lagos seemingly being the last straw for anyone who had their trust in the team. 

Collateral damage. 

Mo always said there would be that and this was another example that could have been avoided in some ways, but also couldn't. 
Currently she was in the lab receiving her usual monthly injection from Helen - a rare time that she was ever at the compound with them all. 

This was one time he'd rather she be at home or away in the UK - something that was becoming a little more regular. She'd also been helping Sam in looking for possible locations where Bucky could be - but they were still coming up with nothing. 

"You're doing yourself no favours in watching that". The familiar accent of his wife came from the doorway and he turned, seeing her watching him. He switched it off and she walked in, closing the door behind her and the coming to perch on the edge of his desk. "We can't save everyone, you've told me that many times..." 

"We could've protected them...avoided it. It's like Sokovia all over again..." He told her. "Now Tony's on his way here and he's the last person who I wanna deal with right now." 

"I'm pretty sure you can handle whatever Tony has to say" Mo assured him. 

"Depends on just what he wants to talk about - It's regarding Lagos, but that's all he said when I spoke to him". 

Mo was silent for moment. "Darling..." 

He looked at her. "I've only ever wanted to do what's right, and now I'm questioning whether I can even do that anymore". 

"Then you need to remember what Erskine told you". She pushed herself off the desk and slid onto his lap, kissing him gently and then running a hand down his cheek. "The storm will pass, it was never going to be easy..." 

"You're right". He nodded and saw her wince slightly as she shifted on his lap. She'd sometimes be a little pained after the procedure. "Lizzie...is this worth it?" 

Mo swallowed, he was losing hope just as she was. "It's always worth it..."

"We accepted there's probably no chance - and it's been a year...I think we've given it our best shot sweetheart..." It hurt him to say it, but he knew she still was disappointed seeing the negative tests every month, even if she tried not to make it obvious. Sure her duties had kept her occupied but she was still clinging to the last little piece of hope just as he was. 

Now, perhaps it was time to have some closure. 

She was silent for a moment and then nodded. "Yes...I think you're right". Her voice was quiet and she got up. "I'll tell Helen no more...it's time to stop hanging on". 

"Lizzie...I think we both know it's the right thing to do".

Mo nodded. "I know, and I'm agreeing with you, you just...think you've accepted something and then when it finally comes to saying it out loud? You find that you haven't really, but time's a great healer, we'll get through it..." She smiled lightly.

Vision appeared through the wall. "Apologies Captain, but Mr Stark is here". 

Steve got up. "Guess I'd better get down to the meeting room"

"And he's brought the Secretary of State..." 

Mo looked to Steve. "How wonderful..." The sarcasm oozed from her lips as she beamed at both him and Vision. "Anyway, I'd best be off to see Peggy". She said and kissed him, "Remember what I said". Giving him one last smile and then heading out. 

Steve watched her go as did Vision. "The Captain seems a little distant..." the latter turned to him. "Is everything alright?"

"I hope so..."


Mo sat by Peggy's bed and squeezed her hand. Conversation with her sister had become a little one sided throughout the course of the last year. Peggy's condition had deteriorated and she could tell that her sister didn't have much longer. Most of the time she could be asleep during visits and Mo would sit and just chat away until visiting times were over. 

Today she had walked in and Peggy's face had fallen as she couldn't believe that she'd come back to her. "They told me you were dead..." the elder Carter sibling had sobbed. 

"I'm here Peg...still very much alive..." She'd swallowed. 

Now she was talking to her about everything that had happened since they last spoke. Peggy would sometimes call at various hours of the night too, but Mo didn't mind. She was just as much of an insomniac as her sister.  

"So...you stopped then". Peggy smiled weakly at her sister. "I'm sorry Mo". 

"Don't be - these things happen". 

"And how is Steve taking things?" 

There was a pause. "I think now we just need to move past it - there are other things to worry about, such as this meeting with Tony, things have happened in Lagos. Now I've taken a step up and picked up the shield I can focus on that". 

"I bet the Queen rather loves you, a woman of her time - plus she has a sense of humour." Peggy chuckled and then sighed. "One day I shall get to see your exhibition and then brag about how proud I am of you".

"Ergh, don't. It's embarrassing". Mo grinned and saw her sister yawn. "You should get some sleep Peg, I can go if you like?" 

Peggy shook her head, "No...no stay - talk to me about the war again...what's your chap's name again?" Mo's heart sank a little. 

"Steve, Peg...his name is Steve..."  It was upsetting how she could remember one moment and then suddenly couldn't. 

"That's right..." She smiled, "Keeping going, I want to know more..." ordering her as she closed her eyes. 

Mo smirked and continued to talk about what they did, about Michael and anything she could think of. She looked up as Peggy's hand loosened a little from her own. "Peg?" Her sister looked as though she was sleeping peacefully, but from that moment, Mo realised that she was gone. "Peggy..." 

Quickly getting up she rushed for a nurse, but knew there was nothing more that could be done. Peggy had slipped away quietly, but at least Mo could be thankful that she had been there. It still didn't stop the pain she felt, now at a great altitude than it had been earlier on in the day. 

Her hands shook as she got out her phone and text Steve, not wanting to call if he was still in the meeting. 

She's gone - in her sleep. 

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