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"I've gotta put her in the water..."

"No, no we have some time – I can figure this out for you!"

"I have to do this Lizzie...Lizzie?"

"I'm still here..."

"You know I love you right?"

"Of course I do darling."

"Good, because I need to ask you something – and I need an answer from you ok? Because when I get back to you everything will be different."


"I know this isn't the way guys usually do these things, and this is long overdue, but I guess you can forgive me on this one."

"I forgive you...you don't have to ask me you already know the answer."

"I wanna do this right... Lizzie Carter...Will you ma..."

Mo woke with a start, heart racing and her body drenched in sweat. Every night she relived the same conversation, and every time she woke up Steve would always be beside her, waking as soon as she did and holding her while she sobbed. This time was no different.

"Shhh it's ok sweetheart, it's ok". He soothed as her body violently shook, a large hand stroking her hair and pushing it back from her face to cool her down.

"I'm sorry...sorry." She got up and made for the bathroom, leaning against the basin and slashing some water onto her face. As Mo looked back up again, she saw a pale and tired young woman staring back at her. She certainly didn't feel 23. She'd been put under just a month shy of that birthday.

There was a knock on the door. "Lizzie...you ok?" Steve asked from outside.

Her hands tightened against the basin, hear a crack before she realised it had crumbled beneath her grasp. Mo now looked at her hands, shaking and backing away from the now broken bathroom sink. She was a danger to herself, what if she hurt someone by not knowing her own strength?

By now Steve burst in, looking at the sink and then at his wife. "It can be fixed."

"But I can't..." she looked at him, eyes red from crying.

"You'll learn to control it, soon it'll just become normal." He told her, "come on, come back to bed..."

She shook her head. "I can't sleep..."

Steve nodded. "Then at least come and lay in bed, I leave in a few hours." Steering her from the bathroom, they got back into bed again. He pulled her closer. "Relax, you're tense..."

"I've just crumbled part of the bathroom sink, of course I'm tense."

He rolled onto her. "Sweetheart...relax." Gently ordering her before placing his mouth over her own, leaving a trail of gentle kisses down her neck, fingers pushing the strap of her nightie down over her shoulder. If there was one way he knew how to take her mind from her problems, then it was this way.

Her back arched against him, body pressing more against his while he slipped her nightwear from her. Steve would always make her feel safe and secure. Nothing else mattered when she was with him. All thoughts and fears melting away.

"Remember those nights when I used to spend hours between these beautiful legs of yours?" He murmured into her ear. Hand trailing between her soft thighs.

She nodded, responding with a small and breathy "uh huh".
Back then it had been a thrill, sneaking into his cabin after hours. She still felt the same feeling even now they had nothing to hide.

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