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Mo knew that Nick Fury standing in her garden was never a good sign.
Standing up and wiping her hands on her apron, she approached him to where he was calmly watching. "Fury..."

"Captain..." he shifted and then looked at her, "I'm gonna be needing you to come out of retirement and put Stark's suit and shield to good use."

Mo's heart dropped to her stomach. "What's happened?"

"Steve's sent a distress signal - Romanoff's on her way there now but I can't get anyone else." He looked at her.
"You're meant for more than just a life of complete solitude. Steve told me about how you were trying to find a purpose - you weren't left those items by Howard Stark to just sit there gathering dust in a closet. He believed that you could make something of yourself."

"He also gave me the option to do with it as I see fit." Mo argued back and then exhaled deeply. "Steve saved me once, and I know that he would go to the ends of the earth to do so again - where is he?"

"London..." Fury now pulled out a map and showed her. Another Hydra lair where the rats dwell including one known as Crossbones."


He pulled a picture up. Dunno who the man behind the mask is but we'll soon find out."

Mo nodded, looking at the mission briefing that Steve would've had before leaving. "It was a trap then..."

"Looks like it but we can't be sure."

Mo felt the anger build inside of her and clenched her fists.

"Get me to London...I want to deal with this Crossbones chap myself".

Fury smiled and nodded, "suit up Captain."


Hydra's reign of terror had already been unleashed on London. Nat had managed to get to Steve however the fight had taken a turn and now with an explosive powerful enough to take out London Bridge and all civilians who were on it, they were running out of time - plus, Crossbones and his men were almost catching up to them as they'd raced across London before the bridge would explode.

The carnage was unfolding, cars crashing into one another, people now running to get off the bridge as they saw just what was happening.

"You deal with him, I'll look for the bomb." Nat said  and ran. It would be underneath the bridge, and she needed to get to it fast.

"Get away from here as far as you can!" Steve yelled to the remaining civilians who didn't know where to run. Then being alerted to a child screaming and crying in fear. He turned, seeing the little girl some way down the bridge, holding a blanket and wandering, screaming and crying for her mother."

And it appeared Crossbones had seen her too, raising his gun and aiming it.

Steve began to run, however the shot filled the air - and as he looked to the child he saw her covered by something.

A shield...


Mo kept the child covered, then standing up and launching her shield straight at Crossbones before she managed to hand the little girl off to a brave civilian. "Get her and yourself to safety." She told him as the man ran.

Sheild returning to her hands she smacked a few of Crossbones men out of the way, reaching Steve. "Afternoon darling...lovely weather today - which is rare considering this is England."

He looked her up and down, "you picked up the shield?"

"You didn't leave me to die once, so I'm not with you - what's happening?"

"Bomb under the bridge, Nat's underneath searching but we're running on borrowed time."

She snorted, "just like the good old days then - guessing this chap needs to be dealt with?" And gestured to Crossbones who was still firing at them.

"You bet he does."

"Then let's take him out because quite frankly, I'm dying for a cup of tea after we're finished up here."

He smirked, "there's my best girl."

"Soon to be a dead one if we don't move." And she stood up, pushing an abandoned car towards Crossbones with such ease that she had the full attention of eyewitnesses by now.

"Nat, you found that bomb yet?" Steve asked through the comms.

"Got it, but I can't stop it, there two minutes on it Steve - I can bring it up but this thing's gonna blow."

"I think I have an answer. Get up here." He said, blocking a blow from the man he was now against. "And make sure not to drop it!"

Nat huffed, "seriously? You think I would?"

He blocked an attack with his shield, "not the time for banter Nat!" Pushing the man over the edge of the bridge and down into the water below.

Grabbing the bomb, Nat heaved herself back onto the bridge, seeing Crossbones flung back by a car being pushed into his path. "Steve! 1 minute left!" She yelled.

"Run to me, I'll give you a boost, throw it up in the air, Lizzie! I'll give you another boost, you launch the shield at it, it'll be enough to make the thing explode without taking us all out."

Nat lined up, running and jumping onto the shield as steve launched her into the air. She threw it as high as she could while Mo then was boosted, sending the shield spiralling towards the bomb.

It exploded above the river as people looked on in horror at everything unfolding.

Steve caught his wife in his arms as she fell somewhat gracefully down towards him, her shield returning to her hand while she then covered them both with it - debris raining down around them.

"Nice catch darling."

He shrugged, "least you can say you've aired the suit out."
Putting her back onto her feet, they looked around. Crossbones had fled but thankfully no one had been hurt in the process.

"You think he's still in the area?" Nat asked as she came up to the pair.

"He'll have gone by now." Steve shook his head, seeing the emergency services arriving. "And we need to sort this out."

While Nat went to check in with Hill, Steve turned to Mo. "You alright?"

"Yes, I...I'm just a little surprised with myself that's all."

"You did great sweetheart." He said and leant in, kissing her gently. "Fury didn't push you into..."

She put a finger to his lips. "This was my choice and mine alone. I wasn't about to sit back while I knew you could be in trouble." Running a hand down his face that was exposed under the helmet. "I couldn't lose you again."

Steve rested his forehead against hers, "you're gonna get people talking now, they know who you are."

Mo shrugged, "let them...it's clear now that we can still live our life together and do our duty."

"You really wanna get back into it?"

She nodded with a smile. "Since when was it ever going to be quiet for us?"

Come tomorrow - everyone would know Captain Carter had well and truly returned, and her identity revealed to all.

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