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"And then I drop it in front of him and I say 'Boom! You looking for this?'" Rhodey grinned as he looked at the vacant faces of the small group listening "Boom you looking for...why do I even bother talking to you guys?" He huffed and sipped his beer.

Mo nodded slowly from where she was sat, hands delicately wrapped around her glass. "Well it was a jolly good story Mr Rhodes, well done."  and smiled lightly. She had absolutely no idea what Rhodey was talking about, but would congratulate him on his achievement all the same.

"You see I can't tell if that's the infamous British sarcasm that you guys have over there, or whether you're being serious."

"You'd know if I was being sarcastic Mr Rhodes."

Steve smirked and put a hand on his wife's shoulder from where he stood behind her chair, giving it a gentle squeeze. "She's right, you would..." and then noticed Sam, calling him over to meet his wife while Rhodey went to tell the same story to another group of people. "Sam this is my wife, Lizzie...Lizzie, this is Sam Wilson..."

"A pleasure." Mo shook Sam's hand.

"Oh boy is it! I've been waiting ages to meet you. You're a legend Captain."

Mo smiled, Steve was right. She liked Sam Wilson already. "I really wouldn't consider myself as that but I shall accept the compliment all the same."

Sam then looked to Steve. "Can I borrow you for a moment? It won't take long." he then said to Mo who waved them away, watching as they climbed the stairs to the upper gallery that overlooked the rec room.

Mo sipped her drink and looked around, spotting Helen Cho. She wouldn't talk to her just yet, it was a party after all and the last thing that Dr Cho wanted was to probably work. Her eyes went to Steve and Sam who were having an in depth discussion above. Part of her wondered what it was about, but then again it was most likely Avenger work that she wouldn't truly understand.

"How you doing Captain?" Natasha slid onto the chair opposite her.

"I'm ok..."

"Lot to take in, isn't it?"

Mo nodded. "I'm still learning a lot about the world, and myself..."

Natasha smiled warmly. "You're doing great. Steve says you're making progress, controlling your strength and everything else."

"Peggy gave me some good advice, I'm planning on seeing her tomorrow before we go home actually."

"How is she?"

Mo paused. "Not good, but I suppose that is to be expected. If I'm honest, I'm not sure how much time I have left with her, but I'm darn well going to make the most of it." She pulled out her phone and managed to unlock it. Nat could see her struggling and came to sit by her. "Sorry, I'm trying to find the pictures..." Mo said, getting a little stressed.

"Hey, don't sweat it, here...this app."

A sigh came from the British woman, "Steve is so much better at this than I am."

"Steve's had longer to learn though," Nat reminded her, "you'll get the hang of it." And now looked through the pictures.

"I managed to take this one with the help of one of the nurses." Mo smiled and showed her a picture of her and Peggy from when she'd visited last. "Even at her age she's still prettier than me." She smiled sadly. "The chaps all loved Peg back in the day, especially when we came over here - it was the accent."

Nat smirked, "That what drew Steve to you?"

Mo smiled, "No I erm...I threw a grenade at him..." she admitted

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