Chapter One: Dating App

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You stared at your phone screen quietly before sighing and tossing your phone to the side, waiting for this new dating app to download.

Your friend, (F/N), had reccommended it to you a week or two ago. You were hesitant about it, but they insistently pestered you about it, so you decided to bite the bullet and go for it.

You didn't get out much anyway, so how else were you going to find your significant other?

Well, this was your chance.

You checked your phone again after the thoughts you had been lost in decided to disappear.

The app was done downloading.

You opened it and started creating your profile, starting with a nice looking photo of you with your pet.

(Your area)

My hobbies are reading, drawing, and sometimes playing my instruments. I play Guitar, Piano, and Ukulele.

*Additional Information*
For my job, I am a writer. I don't tend to get out much, but I do like to relax and hang out in bookstores and coffeeshops, or a combination of the two. I like to travel ocassionally to destress and relax, and I sometimes go with my friends. It also helps me get ideas for my novels sometimes. I love to take walks in the woods and the park to clear my head. If you're interested in talking, here is my number (xxx-xxx-xxx), and my email address (Y/E).

You finished writing your profile and sighed. It was a bit short, but it would have to do. If someone wanted to get to know you and your personality, they'd just have to contact you, right? Right.

*Two days later*

Your phone buzzed on the counter as you were making your coffee for the morning. You looked at it.
A message from the dating app you had downloaded two days ago.

Someone had liked your profile.

Shortly after, a DM followed. Someone by the name of Benjamin Lawman.

[Benjamin Lawman]: Hey there! :)

[You]: Hello!

[Benjamin Lawman]: Your profile intrigued me and I thought it would be nice to talk to you. My name is Ben.

[You]: I'm (Y/N)

[Benjamin Lawman]: Nice to meet you! I know it's short notice, but would you like to meet at a bookstore? I live near your location. I thought it would be more comfortable for you if we maybe met in a public space where there were people just in case. Things like this can be sketchy, and I understand if you say no.

Considerate. You were starting to like this man already. You smiled. It couldn't hurt. At least he thought to take the situation into consideration and ask you first. And it's not like he was forcing you. It would also be in a public space.

'I'll go for it,' you thought, texting him back. You also quickly edited his profile so that you knew who it was the next time he texted after this point.

[You]: Sure, I'll meet you! What bookstore?

[Benjamin Lawman]: What about Barnes & Noble? Is that okay for you?

[You]: Perfect! What time were you thinking? I'm free most of the day, since I do most of my writing during weekdays, and it is a Saturday.

[Benjamin Lawman]: How about 2:00 p.m.?

[You]: Perfect! Gives me time to do some things around the house and get ready! Where should I meet you in the bookstore and how will I know it's you?

[Benjamin Lawman]: Look for a blonde in green, with blue eyes. I'll be at the cafe, most likely with a book and a coffee ;)

[You]: Ahaha! Perfect! See you then!

[Benjamin Lawman]: See you, (Y/N)

Your "first official date". Holy hell. You had to call (Bf/N).

You called them and gave them all of the details you had so far. They claimed that they were proud of you, bid you good luck, and then left you to do what you needed to before the arranged meeting time later in the afternoon.

As the day dragged on, you did your daily chores, took care of your animal(s), and then you started to get ready for your date. You didn't wear anything too fancy or too casual, but something decent enough to make a good first impression. You did up your hair, (and makeup if you so desire) and then you headed on your way, butterflies in your stomach from your nerves. You swallowed, excited and nervous at the same time.

"Here we go," you said softly as you headed down the street into town.

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