Chapter 2 - Weird People(?)

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With the slight little gasp of Chihiro every creature was now able to smell the scent of us, so I started breathing in air too.

"A human?!" The frog screamed catching almost everyone's attention.

The boy "Master Haku" used some sort of spell to trap the frog into a bubble. Forcefully grabbing my wrist as we slid? Glided? Through the air. Going in between the skirts of the female snail creature.

'I KNEW HE WAS A PERVERT!' I thought as I look at him in disbelief and disgust.

While the females were screaming as they reorganized their skirts 'Master Not So Pure' led us to some bushes. In the fence there was a tiny wooden door which he opened. Waiting for us to go in before he did. I was still judging 'Master Not So Pure', and if I can trust him Chihiro went in. As she went it 'Master Not So Pure' pushed my lower back slightly.

After I looked at him with us scrunched up face I went inside the door. But only because the toad people were coming near us.

Once 'Master Not So Pure' came inside we started running until we arrived to a less crowded place. After Chihiro caught her breath she quietly apologized, "I'm sorry I took a breath!"


"It's okay you did very well." He complemented as he cut me off.

Knowing how our encounter with him has gone so far he won't be too worried about me. 'The whispers, well faint yelling is indicating me and Chihiro.' I thought as I layed back on the fluffy green grass.

I looked at the sky once again zoning off when I felt a hand on my stomach. "Now I'll go to them and calm down the situation-"

"Wait no don't leave us!" Chihiro cried holding his arms again desperately trying to feel relieved and safe. 'How can she have so high faith in everyone?' I looked at her as if she was the weirdest person I ever saw.

It must have been obvious I was zoning out because 'Master Haku' started rubbing my stomach like I would for Chihiro everytime she has a stomachache.

With one hand in Chihiro's shoulder with a firm grip I as politely as I could pushed off his hand off my stomach. He looked at me concerned, but turned his head back to Chihiro with determination. "No I must go, I'll tell you what to do, and your sisters with you." He moved Chihiro's bangs touching her forehead and looked at me before forehead placing two fingers on my forehead.

"Go to the back gate go down the stairs and enter boiler room; there you will find Kamaji the boiler man." I was able to hear 'Master Haku's' voice through my head like it was telepathy.

"The boiler man...?" Chihiro repeated after him.

He nodded "Yeah tell him you want to work here if he declines ignore it and keep asking. If you don't work here Yubaba will turn you into an animal." He leaned closer to Chihiro's face with every word he said.

'Yubaba huh?' I thought as I looked outside staring at the red lights.

"Kamaji will turn you away but only repeat the words I would like to work here." With that he broke my thoughts as he kept talking to Chihiro.

The people inside the bath house called out for "Master Haku." Running back and forth. "I have to go and remember Chihiro, Y/n I'm your friend-"

"No your not." I cut him off as I look at Chihiro who will most definitely ask about how he knows her name. "How do you know my name?"

'Knew it'

"I've known you since you were very young and you I don't clearly remember you, but I know I've met you. My names Haku" he let go of Chihiro's hand standing there. 'Nonsense and does he think what he's saying isn't creepy?'

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