I found a spot on the other side of the classroom, away from Bethany and her friends and sat down in it, glancing over in Bethany's direction to see that she was still too busy to notice anything going on around her. There were a few people already around me so hopefully Bethany wouldn't notice me until it was too late for her and her friends to move.

A few minutes later, the bell rang for second period to start and Mr. Tyler started lecturing on the first topic of the school year. And I spent the rest of the period taking notes and listening to my teacher explain about the topic we were learning about. Even though we weren't due to get our textbooks from the library until next week, Mr. Tyler was still giving us homework from a worksheet that he created himself and passed out before getting started with today's lesson. So much for going a second day without no homework in math class. That probably meant I was going to get homework in the rest of my classes.

Almost an hour later, I was heading to third period with Bethany and her friends following right behind me. They had been waiting outside of the classroom when I had come out of it. Luck seemed to be on my side today since I had been able to dodge them and now they were doing their best to catch up to me, but I was able to keep a good distance between me and them.

I wasn't quite sure what they were doing by following me to my third period. Maybe they wanted to know what my third period class was. Or maybe they wanted to talk to me. Either way, I keep going, pushing my way through the crowd hoping that I would be able to lose them.

I still really didn't want to talk to them. And I also didn't want them knowing my whole schedule, which might just be their intention if they intended on following me all the way to my third period class. I wasn't sure how they were going to follow me to all my other classes though when they didn't have any other classes with me. Bethany was in my fourth period, but I had lunch after that class so she couldn't really follow me to my sixth period unless she kept tabs on me the whole lunch period. And that would be crazy of her to do. But maybe she was crazy enough to do it if Alexis really wanted my whole schedule.

As I got closer to my third period English class, I looked over my shoulder and saw that Bethany and her friends were nowhere behind me. I must have lost them in the crowd of students trying to get to their classes. Not wasting any more time, I walked quickly to my English class and stepped inside so that they wouldn't be able to catch up with me. Nathan had beat me this time so I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He was texting on his phone, but he looked up at me a few minutes after I had sat down.

"How was second period? Did Bethany and her friends bother you again?" he asked after looking up at me. I shook my head and then explained to him what had happened. Then I told him what had happened after class as well, which he frowned at as I told him and then replied back with, "Do you want me to talk to Alexis and tell her to stop?"

"That's not necessary. Plus, I don't think it would matter. She would probably just go do whatever she wanted especially if she feels like I'm a threat in her plan to get you back," I answered. He sighed and then said, "That's true. You can't change her mind at all."

Cameron sat down in front of me just after Nathan had finished speaking. We both looked over at Cameron and greeted him. He immediately turned to me and smiled in a very flirty way. It seemed like no matter how many times I turned him down, he was still going to flirt with me. Rejection wasn't going to stop him from trying to get me to go out with him. It didn't seem to change his mind at all either just like Alexis wasn't changing her mind about getting Nathan back no matter how many times he told her he didn't want to be with her. Some people had a hard time changing other people's minds and sometimes people had a hard time changing their own minds when they were set in their ways.

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