Chapter 1: Ready to Fall

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     The Esther began to wake and I could feel it's light warming my skin. There's a world out there, but I'm not the one exploring it. I then headed to a tavern in Mammalia called Daisy's, and of course, that was my mother. She began to hand out a tray full of drinks to a handful of customers. She stretches her neck all around and returns to the kitchen. I take a seat near the bar. Daisy returns from the kitchen and notices me.

  "Oh Paulo, It's nice to see you!" She quickly runs back into the kitchen and returns with a cupcake and a smile.

  The flame started to slow as I gave it a deep look. It dances so freely. It saddens me.

  "Paulo are you okay, you don't like it?" She holds my shoulder as I shake myself awake. "Knowing you, you're just like your father... keeping the bad in while giving the good."

  I couldn't help it, sometimes I just want to daydream all the time, but at the same time, I just want to feel in control sometimes. I couldn't tell that to Daisy or that'd be all of her effort in trying to make me feel better to go to waste. I gave my brightest smile. "Mama, I can assure you everything is alright."

  She jumps in joy. "Oh I can't wait for Venti to come, and of course, she's bringing Trenta. They'll see you prove yourself at the solstice." The image of my family pops into my head.

  Everyone was uniquely colored with tints and shades of brown with white splotches and horns that stretch in unique ways. Everyone had that except Trovert and me. That kind of bothered me; no natural strength, no defenses... Why am I not like them?

  I shook that image and focused on Daisy. "Will Trovert be there?"

  "Are you kidding, he was looking forward to your solstice the moment I told him it was a custom..." She looks towards the sky as she smiles, but her smile soon dies down as another Mammalian bursts through the doors and alarms the whole tavern.

  We were being attacked. For such a quiet town we always kept weapons around in case we ever got raided, but guessing now today is that day. Every ox, every goat, and every Mammal rushed out with weapons clenched in their hands running to where these raiders are.

  "Paulo, whatever you do, do not leave the Tavern until I or Trovert pick you up... in case I never come back, don't quarrel with the mortals, they bring nothing but hell in our lives!" I nodded as we embraced. I told her I love her as she exits with a bow and a quiver full of arrows leaving me alone in the tavern.

  All of a sudden I realized where I was. I was spying on a parley. It was Daisy clothed with armor as she frowned at Trovert... no wait, he should have a scar on his face, but he looked so similar to him. I decided to get close and soon heard voices.

  In a deep familiar voice, the man approaches Daisy. "My my my, Daisy Bucks—"

  "It's Trovert! Daisy Trovert and that'll be my name until we kill you." That made the man grin brightly and tilt his head.

  "There's no way, a mortal with a cow. I mean no disrespect, love is love, but that's just—woah—" He gestured his hands expanding over his head. "—y'know? An odd concept, though I don't suppose I gave your kind enough credit to be loved." His grin stuck out as his words began to portray Daisy as a whole new woman.

  "Quit the monologue, I can guess what you're here for: to finish off our kind? Look around that won't happen with a community like us, we're Mammals who saw what you did on that day... we won't take it this time."

  "I want to really, don't get me wrong, I really do want to kill your kind off, but that's what we're not here for, but that could change. If you tell me where Brooke is then I'll forget what's left of this ghetto."

  "There's no hell I'd give him away! If you be so kind as to leave or we'll hang your head over my tavern wall, last chance!"

  His grin soon disappeared and takes step after step with a frown. "No, this isn't how that works, were the higher force in play, if I don't get that damn sword back from you, Brooke, or god knows what I'll make sure the Tragedy of Animalia gets a sequel!" He looks at everyone and pursed his lips. No one wanted to speak up. Everyone had that same aura of hate all aimed at him. "Didn't say I warn y'all."

  In a flash, arrows flew, steel sang, and blood ran in the streets of Mammalia. Out of fear I ran back to the tavern and rummaged through a chest full of weapons under the bar's counter. I was never taught how to use a weapon, I was forbidden to, but the only thing I can swing was an ax.

  "Check in there." One voice. "Let's rob the place!" Two voice. I saw them enter the tavern

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