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Hi loves nice to meet you all 😍chapter nine is here, I hope you enjoy reading it.



Life goes on, we return to Nigeria after the graduation took place. I rub my temple thinking today is the day that Zayd, the so called husband to be will arrive from Dubai. I'm a little bit nervous for the past few days I'm thinking about how i will escape from this whole situation it give me headache. I continue typing what I'm typing lazily. I just hope today something good is going to happen. Like a miracle.

I here a knock on the door,"come in"opening the door Aysher come in holding some files in her hands. "Ma'am here is what you ask for"she said handling me the files. "Thank You "I said with my hands on my forehead. She is about to leave but stop, raising my head from the laptop i ask her"what is the matter Aysher?" She look a little bit nervous but open her mouth. "Well ma'am"
"Meena!! Call me Meena" I ceased her midway. "OK Meena i mean today you are looking pale are you perhaps okay" she ask frowning. "Hey there is no need to frown, I'm just worried about something, don't worry please" I said giving her a smile. She nod and walk leaving the the office. I smile and continue what I'm doing.

It lunch time so i closed my laptop and took my phone and leave to go grab something for my little stomach. Coming out i see them all working. "Guys it lunch time go grab something for your self."
I walk toward the cafeteria thinking of what i will have today, isn't it funny how I'm anxious a while ago but now I'm only thinking about my food. Well that is the chemistry between me and my dearest friend, my love food.

"Minu!!"a voice call from behind, i turned and see known other than yusuf and khairat grinning and holding a take away bag."Guys how are you" "we're fine yusuf bought something yummy for us, let full our dear stomach"khairat beamed raising the bags. I can't help but smile widely too.

She grabbed my hand and wrapped it around her arm saying"let me take you to a secret place of min. " We follow her to the place she said, she took us to a beautiful place. It a garden with fresh flowers and birds singing giving the place a perfect atmosphere to be alone.

She open the bags and we start having the food, we finish and retired to our works.

"Ok we all did a great job here so let wrap up now" "yes they all said after i finish talking. I when back to my office, to take my things and face the reality, coming out to the company compound i saw Yusuf standing with his hands tucked in his pocket, giving him a small smile I dragged my self towards him. He opened the passenger door for me, ducked my head mumbling a thank you, got inside. He close the door, turned around to get to his seat,once he get settled he give me a smile slightly. For the first few minutes the drive because silent, a comfortable one, i decide to cut off the silent by asking him because today he is not looking  well at all, even earlier when we are having lunch, when we said or ask for his opinion he will just nod or smile, this is not how Yusuf is, he is always lively.

"Yusuf is something bothering you,are you ok?" I ask trying to have his attention. "Why did you ask " he answered turning slightly with a smile. "Today you are awfully quiet that why i ask" "nothing is bothering me don't worry" I just smile,but not satisfied with his reply. There must be something that is bothering him for sure.

We arrived two minutes later i hop out of the car, turned to look at him, he closed the door leaving the parking lot. Sighing i follow him.

"My baby is back how was today's work "umma said pulling me for a hug. I hug her back while looking at Yusuf who is walking quietly. "Umma how are you today" "I'm fine child go freshen up and come down i make something special for you today.
"OK,  where is grandma" I ask trying to not leave any room for umma to be worried.

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