31: Simone

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It was a struggle getting Reed into the car when he was so large and tall – not to mention the dead weight he carried with all that muscle, but with Vuk, Lykaon, and Opaline's help, we eventually got him inside and were speeding down the road towards the city and the hospital.

I was relieved to see the three familiar faces when they had shifted. No matter how much I wanted to be the only one near Reed, I needed help and I trusted them. They killed my mother and York, they helped rescue me a couple weeks ago from the warehouse as well, and Opaline and Vuk were two people who had been looking after me before my mother took me away. And by being her mate, that meant Lykaon also had a part to play. I didn't trust any of them completely, but if Reed was in sight, I was inclined to let them help.

Vuk drove the car as I sat in the passenger seat, glancing at Reed every few minutes feeling panic rise in my throat. He had gone pale a long time ago and although Lykaon stuffed his wound with some of York's shirt, it was still bleeding badly. I could see it was soaked, but there was nothing I could do about it, and that's what made me restless.

"He's going to be fine," Vuk whispered. "Truent is a great doctor. I don't even think there's that much silver in his blood so it should be easy to extract and let his body heal."

"He's dying, though."

"You were much worse when we found you. You had infected wounds and most of them were caused by a silver knife. His condition is much less of a concern than yours."

I glare at him. "Don't you see him! He's not even moving!"

"His hearts still beating, just at a slower rate. He's alive, Simone. Besides, we're just a block away."

He finally pulls up in front of the hospital and parks, rushing out and opening the back. I get out and help him pull Reed out while nurses run out of the building with a stretcher. Reed's eyes open and flick around before landing on me. I cup his face and kiss him. "Simone..." he groans.

"You're going to be okay," I say as we start into the hospital. "You're going to be okay; I promise."

He gives a strained smile and closes his eyes. "I don't want you to give up, Simone. No matter what, Beautiful."

I shake my head vigorously. "You're not going to die, Reed! I won't let you!"

"Luna, I need you to sit down," a male says.

I glare at him. "I'm not leaving him! You can't make me!"

"George, leave her be. I need her in the ER for vital information." I turn my head and see a familiar face, but I couldn't remember his name. He smiles at me and starts pulling Reed's stretcher through a pair of doors. "You're fine to stay with him while we stitch him up, Luna."

"You mean you won't kick me out?" I say breathlessly.

"Your mate stayed while we helped you, it's okay for you to do the same." They get to work with Reed's wounds, and I watch as it slowly closes. They go around me, apologizing sometimes, smile at me and tell me he's doing well, tell me I am lucky. I don't quite feel their honesty, but that's because I'm still trying to be honest with myself. "Luna?"

I look up at the Doctor. "What happened?"

"He is finished. Would you like us to take him to a private room now or a regular one?"

"Private please," I reply and follow them to a small room then watch the nurses leave as I sit beside Reed and put a hand over his heart. It beats steady and strong, how it's supposed to feel.

"Knock-knock?" Vuk walks in and stands behind me, but I don't look at him. "I know you would like to stay here and wait, but you're the only one who can help me right now. So, can you please come for a bit?"

Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now