34: Reed

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Corey and I immediately went to meet Vuk at the northern border after letting the girls go upstairs. After Simone's warning of Vuk's request, Corey had further explained that he wanted to see Roniston for some questioning. I told him to ask someone else to meet with him and tell him we'd be there soon. So, now we were heading that way.

When we got there, Vuk was leaning against a tree with an apple in one hand, half eaten. He looked at us and stood up straight. "Reed."

"Corey explained what you wanted, so now I ask why."

"He was in league with Melanie. I want to know how, why, and how long. Then, I want to kill him."

"Killing may not be on the list of To-Do's but I will grant you the request to speak with him. You have an hour. I can't have this going on all night."

He tilts his head in curiosity. "Why is that?"

"Stick around, and you'll see," I say and grant him access. Corey and I lead him back to the cells and to where Roniston was being held. Inside, he seemed weak and frail, not like how an Alpha should look. "Do your worst," I say, leaning back on the wall.

"With pleasure," Vuk murmurs and walks inside the cell. His first question is how long the man was allied with Melanie.

"A while," he rasped.

"What is a while?"

"Since we were teenagers."

"How did you know her?"

"She said she ran away from home, said something about needing sanctuary. It was fine with me. Then about twenty years or so ago, she disappeared for a while. I thought she died until she came back with a child, Simone."

I jumped in. "What made you decide to make a deal to keep Simone hidden? What did she offer you?"

"Nothing. We were friends...I was just helping out."

Vuk snarled, "That poor girl got nothing with you! You took away her childhood, happiness, and life!"

"Why the hell do you care?" Roniston hissed.

Vuk gave him a hard punch. "I'm her goddamned father, you bastard!"

"Her father is dead!" the man groaned. "He died before Simone was even born!"

"I'm her father now! And you can be sure that I won't let you near her again!"

Roniston gave a raspy laugh and stared up at the ceiling. "Don't worry, man. I'm not wanting to see her any time soon. I'd rather forget than ever see her again!"

"Good, then if I'm feeling nice in the morning, I'll let you go." I kick away from the wall and start out.

Vuk comes up beside me and hisses, "You're going to let him go?"

"As rogue maybe, but certainly not as Alpha," I say and step out into the sunlight. "I don't want him raging war against me and Simone. I'm not that stupid."

The Beta smiles and says, "So, what are you doing tonight?"

"It's a surprise for Simone. She may already know the first part of it, but she won't know or even expect the second part."

"You're making her Luna, aren't you?" I nod. "She's been wanting that."

"I know. It was supposed to happen a couple weeks ago, but things got out of hand and she was captured, so I've waited."

"And the other part?"

"Something I hope she'll love," I say and walk towards the pack house. I see Alpha Lykaon and Luna Opaline waiting for us with big smiles and the other two they brought to help with rescuing Simone. "Thank you for coming."

Bloodline and Kin (Gifted Werewolf Series: Book 2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ