1. pre flight checklist

730 51 3

Auxiliary fuel pump — Off
Flight controls — Free and correct
Instruments and radios — Checked and set
Landing gear position lights — Checked
Altimeter — Set
Directional gyro — Set
Fuel gauges — Checked
Trim — Set
Propeller — Exercise
Magnetos — Checked
Engine idle — checked
Flaps — As required
Shoulder harnesses — Fastened
Parking brake — Off

"Think we're ready to go Sir?"

"Seems all ready and correct to me Spampinato"


Seat belt lights on: *ding*

"Ladies and Gentleman I am Danielle, the stewardess in charge today, and as you have just heard the pilots have turned on the fasten seat belt sign, this means you must stay in your seat at all times whilst this light is on. Once we have got to cruising altitude, and there is no risk of turbulence it will be disengaged and you can roam the cabin as you wish. However, we do ask when you are seated you have you seatbelt on at all times, and if you're sleeping, above your blankets. Thank you for choosing us and we hope you have an enjoyable flight"


*ding* "cabin crew take your seats for departure"

Danielle took her seat next to her long time colleague/confidant Macey and strapped in ready for take off.

"What did they say the flight time was again?" Questioned Macey

"6 hours 45, not too bad for Heathrow to Dubai" replied Danielle confidently "also did you see, we have a female pilot for once?"

A chuckle escaped Macey's lips "of course I did Dani, she was a bit hard to miss with those big brown eyes, she has an Italian aura about her don't you think?"

"Yes I agree, and she's just my type..."

"No sir I don't think you understand, you cannot simply leave the aircraft because you are bored, we are 38000 feet in the air, it is wholly impossible, please return to your seat"

Danielle gracefully glided back down the aisle to the galley

"Was he actually having a giggle or is he just having a psychotic break?" Sighed the attendant frankly

"I'd say both, think the pilots just requested their meals, do you want to sort it" said Macey with a cheeky wink which followed

Danielle comically rolled her eyes but happily obliged, entering the pin code into the cockpit almost immediately

"Good afternoon Captain, First Officer" she stated confidentially with a nod

The male captain, in his mid to late 50s, grey hair, definitely balding at the back, didn't bother to acknowledge the American, but the female first officer turned around with a beaming smile.

"How is the flight? Danielle isn't it?" sparkling those pearly white teeth of hers, "I do hope that poor man you had to deal with earlier hasn't gained any more idiotic ideas hmm"

"Yes, yes, Danielle" clearing her throat "Danielle Savre, I don't believe we've ever crossed paths before!"

"Sadly I'm surprised this didn't come earlier Miss Savre" she said with a smirk and an ever so subtle wink

"Indeed indeed Spampinato"

Guess this means I'm back...?

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