Chapter Nine

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[Under the Mistletoe.]





. The doorbell ringing, Morty moves from the living room, to the front door, opening it up to find Jerry's parents and their boyfriend, Leonard and Joyce Smith, and Jacob Philip. He greets them and leads them into the living room as he takes their coats and rest them on the coat rack. Jerry, in his red Christmas sweater and an apron on his chest, leaves the kitchen to greet his parents, giving them each a hug, "Hello, mom, dad." He smiles at them and turns to Jacob, waving awkwardly at him. "Hey, Jacob." He waves back in response and sits on the arm of the couch. Joyce smiles at her son.

"Hello, dear, merry Christmas Eve." She kisses his cheek. Leonard ruffles his hair gently. "It's lovely seeing you again, I keep forgetting how much it snows here!" Leonard laughs gently along with his son.

"Yes, it's very cold here, I hear it doesn't snow much in Africa." Jerry smiles, walking to the kitchen.

"Yes, it snows on the mountains in winter, though it happens to be summer this time of year." Jacob tells him, taking a seat by the dining table with his lover and her husband. Jerry rejoins them with a tray of snacks, setting it in front of them. "Why thank you, Jerry."

"My pleasure. I just put the turkey in the oven, but the first course is almost ready to be served." Jerry informs his family, the three responding with gratitude before Jerry goes back to the kitchen. Beth comes down from her bedroom with Summer following, the two greeting the guests. Jerry quickly fixes a mug of coffee and carries it to the garage, where Rick sits, hunched over by his workbench. "I brought you a cup of coffee." He mentions, closing the door behind himself.

Rick doesn't respond, nor does he move, as if he couldn't care less for Jerry's presence - he's not too surprised by this, believing Rick had already been forcing a fake sense of care towards Jerry only to get something from him. He waits for a moment before hesitantly placing the coffee on his table, freezing when he hears a little snore, eyes scanning Rick as he lays on his arms, eyes closed and mouth agape. So, that's where she gets it. Jerry thinks to himself, his wife having almost the same way of sleeping as her father. He quickly leaves to the linen closet, grabs a blanket and returns, draping it over the scientist's fatigued body.

Gently rubbing Rick's shoulder, he leaves and closes the door behind himself. A few minutes pass, the first course prepared and ready to be set out on the table, the doorbell rings. Knowing the new guests, Jerry grins to himself, his parents unsuspecting as Morty goes to invite the two in. The family gathered by the table, Morty walks in with Kurtis and his aunt, him holding a dish of his aunt's famous strawberry cheesecake and another dish on top of coconut cream pie - Quinn walking with the assistance of a crutch, a few bandages on her right leg.

"Hey, folks." Kurtis greets, Leonard grinning as he rises from his seat and moves towards the farmer. "Leonard - hello!" He smiles warmly, accepting the hug. When he pulls away, Kurt glances around the table, "Mrs. Smith, guy, the rest of the Smiths, hello, happy holidays, everyone." They all greet in unison, responding with various greetings.

"Please, call me Joyce." Jerry's mother smiles. As Leonard moves to give Quinn a hug as well, Jerry appears at the doorway, Kurt smiling wider instinctively as he approaches him.

"James, what a pleasant surprise," Jerry jokingly says, Kurt rolling his eyes as he wraps an arm around the man.

"Yeah, same for me. I just somehow appeared in your driveway and thought 'fuck it, hell yeah'." Kurtis squeezes Jerry gently, the man laughing softly. "Aunt Quinn made cheesecake and coconut cream pie, where should I put it, captain?"

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