"Alright. So if going to the other control room isn't going to help, what do I do."

"What even our Doctor doesn't know is that Not even our Doctor knows this, but there is another way to access the network. No ones ever attempted to access it in this way, and I can assure you that our Doctor wouldn't approve of you attempting it. However, I have now calculated over..." He closed his eyes for a second as if reading some unseen number inside his head. "...6 million seven hundred thousand four hundred thirty possible ways to complete this mission without accessing the network. They've all failed."

"Well then. I have no choice. How do I access the network."

"You let me in your head." He said simply.

I stared at the hologram man, and tried to make sense of what he was saying. Let the tardis inside my head? As in, let my thoughts and motions be controlled? Mind control?

"I'm sorry..." I started--

"It's not like you haven't let me in before." He stated matter-of-factly.

"I have?" I whispered quietly. Why couldn't I remember that.

"Haven't you ever wondered how this body," he gestured to the ninth Doctor's image, "defeated all those Daleks and ended up in my control room standing alongside you?"

I had. I had wondered day and night for many months. The last thing I remembered that day, was opening the tardis door with Mickey and Mum. Then it all goes black. And the next thing I remember is watching my Doctor burst into flames and disappear forever.

"You looked into the time vortex Rose. You let me in. Well, you let me in without giving me anytime to prepare. It was all too sudden; and it was almost too much for you. If our Doctor hadn't taken the time energy into himself... As you have seen... You wouldn't have made it." He smiled slightly. "But this time, I'll know it's coming, I can make sure to keep you safe."

"You mean... He put himself through all that... Took the energy for himself and made himself regenerate... For me?" A tear slipped silently down my cheek as I realized what exactly this man had done for me.

"Yes Rose. He saved you. But now he needs saving. And you're the only one who can help him. Will you repay the favor?"

"Of course I will." I said strongly, without a hint of hesitation.

"I thought you would. I need you to lie down on the floor. Place your hands over your eyes, and lie on your back." I did as the tardis instructed, and laid down on the cold concrete floor.

"Now this will be a bit strange, but you can't fight it. If you fight it, you could hurt yourself." I nodded curtly, and covered my eyes.

The floor was so cold. It seemed to almost bite into the exposed skin of my shoulders. It was so incredibly cold. Absolutely bloody freezing.

And then it wasn't.

It was warm. Then warmer. And warmer. And hot. And hotter. And then unbearable.

I screamed, and tried to sit up, but I couldn't movie. I tried to thrash about, but it was like my arms and legs weren't responding to what I was telling them to do.

I wept, the tears fell to the ground, and still I struggled against the flames that seemed to erupt from the floor and attempt to engulf me.

"Don't fight it Rose. The less you fight it, the less it will hurt."

The voice echoed around in my head, but it did little to stop the pain.

I couldn't even remember why I was doing this anymore. All I knew was the fire, and the warmth. And the pain.

Through all this Time (a tenrose fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now