I came behind her and hugged her. "I like this."

She looked up at me and smiled. "The food?"

"No I like- I don't know how to say it but you get it." I really am terrible with my words.

She turned around and faced me. I automatically put my hands on the counter by her sides.

"No I don't, try again."

"I like this feeling, we feel like a family. It's nice to feel like you have people."

I don't have the best relationship with my family so to feel like I have my own now makes me so happy.

"Me too. I'm so grateful for you, I didn't think I could ever have something like this. You showed me not everyone's bad and it's okay to trust people. Not to mention my parents, I probably wouldn't have reconnected with them if you did t encourage me to."

"I love you."

It's so crazy that I can just say that to her now. I've thought it a million times but to be able to say it to her face is just different.

"Mhm, I bet you do."

"Say it back."

She smirked, "Or what?"

"Or I'm not letting you wake me up to have sex anymore."

"I love you too Beyoncé."

I smiled and kissed her. I was happy.

I left her alone so she could finish cooking. I got my laptop from upstairs so I could grade stuff while I waited.

30 minutes later she called me into the kitchen. I closed my laptop and went.

"You have to make your own plate.I would've felt like too much of a housewife if I did."

"Your remembered." She made baked ziti. That's what she brought for me when she lost to me in that basketball game.

"To be honest, I didn't. It was the first page in the cookbook Robyn gave me for you."

"You should've lied but it's okay. Thank you." I kissed her and made a plate.

She was already at the table when I was done so I just joined her. I actually had my pasta for here with me. I started bringing more stuff over the more I started coming over here.

"You're not eating?" She's literally always eating.

"I'm not hungry right now. I'll eat something later."

"Okay." I took a bite of pasta, it was so good. Before I could compliment her, she said something.

"Move in."

"Hm?" She caught me completely off guard.

"Like, live here. You basically do so just move in."

"I don't want to."

"Why not?" I could tell she was trying not to cry already.

"I like having my own space. It's nothing against you but I like having my own house I can go to and be alone."

"Why do you need an entire house of space? You could go into the guest room if you need to be alone."

"It's not the same. You said I basically live here so why do we need to change anything? I spend the night here almost every night, why do I need to officially live here?"

"Whatever." Now she's going to have an attitude for the rest of the night.

"Please don't be mad."

"Can I have some?" She pointed to my food.

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