Chapter 1: It's About Time

Start from the beginning

"Well, what do you think?"

"I don't like orange and yellow. It's pretty loud."

"I think the orange will look better on me," Kakarot remarked.

"It's not your best, Art." Omni Man tells his friend. "Heh, you can't blame a guy for trying to move unsold merchandise."

"I like the goggles, but I was looking for something a bit more... iconic?" YN and Kakarot shake their heads in agreement.

"Of course you were. That's what everyone wants. A symbol, something kids will draw in the margins of their notebooks while they daydream about being as cool as you. It's also tough as hell to pull off. But listen, your dad being who he is, I'm willing to put a lot of elbow grease into these. Anyway, have you all decided on a name yet?"

"I haven't thought about it," Mark said. "Well, having a name helps."

Part 4:

A loud crash was heard outside, and Debbie was inside wondering where her kids were. Once she heard the noises, she goes to the backyard to see holes in the ground. "What the hell are you all doing?" She questioned them.

"Practicing our landings" Mark answered. "I can see that," Debbie remarks. Kakarot clears his throat, "Raikon and I have already mastered the art of flying. The mess is one-hundred percent on you."

"Sorry about the yard," Raikon spoke. "What are you doing?" Debbie then asked. "Mark still needs practice controlling his powers," Kakarot told his mom. "Well practice can wait until tomorrow; you need to sleep."

"I need to practice," Mark then retorted. "It is the middle of the night, I have work tomorrow and you have school. Get inside right now!"

Mark furrowed his brows, "Make me." He tells her. It stayed quiet for a few seconds. "Oh, you're dead," Kakarot told Mark.

"Does that make you feel strong?" Debbie questioned. "Knowing I can't physically do something? Mark seemed defeated; he could only let out three words. "This is important."

"Remember when you were little, and we'd talk almost every night before you went to bed? You'd tell me about whatever jerk made fun of your hair, and I'd tell you about all the girl drama I lived through, so you'll feel better?" Debbie sat on the top step of the small set of stairs and Mark followed. "It used to be you, your brothers, me, and this crazy world-saving, super-powered father of yours. Now it's you and him and your old, normal mom."

Mark was about to say something, but she stopped him. "You have to move away from the normal life with me, and get used to being... something more, like your dad." Mark sunk his head, "Yeah but see, that's what I'm worried about. I'm nothing like dad. I'm more like you, I'm nothing special."

"Poor choice of words, Mark" Kakarot called out. "Like a knife in the heart with this one." Debbie then says. Mark then scoffs, "You know what I mean. After everything he's done, how can I possibly live up to that?"

"Who says you have to? You don't have to be the greatest Omni-Man ever. You just have to be the greatest you." Mark was still deterred. "And what if the greatest me isn't enough?" He then asked.

"How can the greatest you not be enough?" Debbie told Mark. "Yeah, believe in yourself or whatever," Kakarot spoke, and Raikon shoves him in return. "Thank you. I love my powerless, everyday, run-of-the-mill mom."

"And I love my asshole son," Debbie said in return.

Scene change:

Mark and his father were floating in the sky, Mark was nervous about becoming a superhero and wanted to live up to his father's legacy.

"You seem tired," Nolan says to his son. "I'm fine, just have a lot on my mind I guess," Mark replied.

"Oh yeah? So, what is it?"

"So you're just going to keep prying if I'm evasive so uh... I'm scared dad. What if I can't do this?" Suddenly the sound of the wind is heard. It was the ball coming back to Mark after Nolan threw it. "Do you hear it?" Nolan asked.


"Get ready."

The ball made its way towards Mark who caught it. "Were you scared?"

"A little."

"But you caught it."

"I did."

"Being a superhero is no different. This is the beginning of a long journey for you. And along the way you're going to need to do things that you don't want to do, or might not think you can do. It's okay to be scared and it's natural to doubt yourself. But if you push through that and do what needs to be done, you'll do just fine. You think you can do that Mark?"

"Yeah." Mark then threw the baseball around the earth again, Nolan catches it once it came back.

"Son, kids your age think they're invincible and it holds them back. But the thing is, you're different. You actually are Invincible."

Scene Change:

Mark gets Kakarot and YN to meet Art Rosenbaum again. "I got it!" Mark says. "Ok kid, let's get to work. How about you two?" YN and Kakarot nod.

 How about you two?" YN and Kakarot nod

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They were all flying around the city having the time of their lives

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They were all flying around the city having the time of their lives. Their fun had come to a sharp stop when a tower a destroyed by a beam. The three boys make their way over to the sounds of guns being shot. They see policemen shooting at someone with an armored body. Invincible punches the guy so hard he is sent through a building. He gets up and attempts to charge after Invincible, but he was held back, the people responsible for holding him back were none other than Invulnerable (YN) and... Kakarot, who didn't see the point of having a superhero name.

Mark decks Titan to the ground. "You might as well give up, I'm Invincible." Kakarot looks on amused, "Sure you are."

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