Chapter 28

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It did kind of make him feel bad to simply look at Yuki. They knew nothing of Yuki and Machis past. Hana had only told them triggers, they should avoid.

No one had really explained to them why exactly it had come to this. They knew, Yuki was from a family, no aparrently a clan, that Hana used to work for. Yuki had been abused by the head of the clan, personal family and other, in unknown directions. Which meant, it could have been verbal, physical or sexual or all of it. He was sick and left to die, so a familiy or clan member, god the whole clan thing was confusing, had contacted Hana and asked to take them in.

Machi was just there for supporting Yuki, but according to what they knew about the 'behavioral issues' there had to be something messed up in her life as well, otherwise she wouldn't have just left everything behind.

He also knew, that Yuki Kota and Machi Yoshida were not their real names. He would probably never be able to imagine what kind of things they've had to go through. At any rate, he was sure, if the clan Yuki came from didn't have such influence, as Hana had worded it, then such things would have never been done to Yuki. The state of his body seemed to be more than just sick.

Of course he had no knowledge, what a chronical disease like asthma could do to someone who got sick, but it still didn't seem right. Yuki looked like he hadn't eaten well in years.

If he was part of a clan with such influence, he'd look up on that this evening, maybe he could figure out where Yuki came from. Not that it would be any use to anyone, just that he would know, what kind of influence they had, whether it was in military, education, economy, some kind of royal bloodline or a company.

He would later on be surprised how easy it was to find out who Yuki was.

Very soon Machi came with soup to them, it would take a bit longer for their food to be ready. Which was how Jason found probably intentional, as it turned out, that Yuki needed help with eating as well.

"Yuki, I've got your soup." Machi called out, bringing in a, in Jasons opinion, pathetically small, bowl filled with soup. Though he supposed Yuki probably just couldn't eat much more at once, no matter how desperately he might need it.

Machi put the powl on the nightstand. Yuki tried to sit up by himself. His arms had gotten so thin, Machi was afraid they might break, just before the failing attemp was about to sent Yuki to flop down on the matress, she grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him up.

She wanted to ask him if he could eat by himself, but she knew he would say he could and burn himself in the process, to full of shame and guilt for being a burden, as he probably thought.

So Machi made a short process of it and simply fed him. By the time she he had finished the soup, his body seemed to have decided, that it was enough for the day. He had been awake for a while and eaten as well, so Machi was content.

That didn't stop her from being stratled as his eyelids started closing. At first she thought he was having some sort of asthmatic attack, but was to weak to fight against it. The panic seemed clear on her face.

"Hey, hey, Yuki! Don't close your eyes, ok, focus on my voice, it'll be alright." She told him frantic. Jason had gotten up from the chair he had been occupying and was now standing on the other side of the bed, terrified and worried about Yuki. Because, though he didn't understand what Machi was telling him, it sounded panicked.

Machi grabbed the inhaler, pushed down twice, pulled it out and put the breathing mask back on.

"'s ... fine ... 'm just ...tired" Yuki told her. She breathed a relieved sigh.
"oh, thank god, I thought you were having an asthma attack or something and I didn't realize. Then go to sleep, you did good today." She told him.
Yukis eyes fluttered shut and he fell asleep.

Machi turned to Jason who was looking at her questioning. Right, she hadn't been speaking english.
"He's fine, he was just tired, I tought he was somehow slipping away right under my finger." She said awakwardly with a hint of sadness.

"I gotta start learning japanese" Jason mumbled as he followed Machi out the room and back into the kitchen where Lesley had finished setting up the table.

Later that afternoon Machi and Lesley went shopping while Jason stayed to keep an eye on Yuki. Hana had told her he should be stable, but she still didn't feel quite comfortable with leaving him all alone.

Once the two girls were gone, Jason sat down in the living room, keeping the door open to hear if Yuki woke up, just in case. He pulled out his Laptop from his backpack and opened up a browser to begin his search.

It didn't take long for him to find the main influencing clans of Japan. It proved quite a challenge though to acctually find todays clans instead of no longer existing ones, though there was no prove those truly didn't exist anymore.

The Oda clan, the Tokugawa clan, the Date clan, what an odd name out of an american perspective, and the Sohma clan

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