Chapter 6

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''None of you truly enjoy Akitos presence do you?'' Machi asked, no longer able to controle her own anger and curiosity.

The both men stared at her in shock of what she had just asked. Shigure was the first to come around. ''No ... I guess we don't, not really.''

Hatori found himself next. ''If the bond wasn'#t there, each one of us would have probably left him already. Many other Somas have.''

Machi looked down, sad and slowly realizing, what kind of hell that bond was for everyone. Her gaze wondered to Yuki.

''And he was hit the worst. Unlike normally, when it was the cat. Though I wouldn't want to give that burden to Kyo either.'' Shigure said, starting to carefully rock his and Yukis body forth and back, when the boy was starting to whimper.

Machi didn't say anything else, she didn't know, what she was supposed to say. She had rarely pitied anyone before, to caught up inside her own mind, but now, there were suddenly thirteen people she felt terribly sorry for, most of all the student council president of her school, the boy she suddenly felt so much care for, the terrorized child with ragged breaths, restlessly sleeping infront of her.

And that's when she made herself the same promise for Yuki, that Thoru had once made herself for Kyo. That she would find a way to help him and maybe, helping him would distract her and help her as well.

''Machi say, what will you do with the information we gave you?'' Hatori asked, once again fearing, no knowing, he had made a big mistake, but damn it, it was the best and most rightful mistake he made.

''Nothing.'' She said. ''I will do nothing with it, except to attempt to help Yuki. I'm not permitted to have this kind of information, so I will do nothing with it. I will keep quiet, just like Thoru watches over the orange haired one, I will silently watch over him and see what I can do, to make it easier. ''

If it hadn't been for the out of the ordinary situation, she would have started to panic, once she noticed how neatly clean everything was. She had noticed this fact long ago and for a moment feared to be attacked by it, but she hadn#t allowed herself to do that. Yuki was what mattered to her, many weeks ago she had felt soemthing off about the so called prince, something that made him absolutely not prince like. And that something had been pulling her to seek his presence.

The hope of meeting someone who understood, was what she seeked so deeply. And now she had found it, found him.

About five minutes in silents went by until Yuki began to sturr. Everyone was up within a second, surrounding Yuki. Shigure didn't move an inch, not wanting to cause the child any discomfort.

Yukis eyes flew open, he grabbed onto Shigure and began to sob into the older mans chest. Shigure hekd him close.
''It's alright Yuki, you're safe. No one can hurt you now.'' He said, originally planing to promise he wouldn't let anyone hurt him ever again, but he knew, that sooner or later Akito would take what's hers.

Hatori gave Shigure a sign. ''Yuki, do you think, you're ready to let hatori check up on you?'' 

Yuki couldn't respond to him, he was still having trouble breathing, he just couldn't. But he let go of Shigure and so Hatori took that as a yes.

He did his check up on the teenager, who flinched away from every touch. Nevertheless the check up was done fine considering. Once Hatori gsve permition, Yuki curled back into himseld, grabbing onto Shigure.

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