Chapter 13

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His breathing was as heavy as ever and Shigure became more and more worried by the day. He had called Hatori more than once each day, but every time the call was interrupted by Akito screaming something about loyalty, love, the meaning of and death and a red tree in the garden. Hatori had always promisde to call back, but never did.

Shigure knew, that it wasn't Hatoris fault, that since he was a zodiac, he had to obey his god Akito, no matter what she demanded. Kyo had returned, visibly tensed, repeadingly glancing at Yuki worriedly. Shigure supposed, that Kazuma had told him something, thaat neither of them were supposed to knew, or the martial arts master had just had a guess, which he had then told to kyo.

Machi and Kakeru stopped by almost every day. At some point, someone seemed to have told Kakeru about the whole curse thing -Shigure suspected Momichi- because, when once Yuki turned into a rat fro exhaustion, he didn't even ask a single question. Ayame was around sometimes, he came by once a day, to check on Yuki, looking more worn out each time.

And so as it had to be one afternoon...

The telfone in the hallway rang, Machi and Kakeru looked up, to where the sound was coming from, when Thoru came into view and picked it up.

"Hello." She said. Then she frowned.
"Yes, I will." She said and put the Phone down without hanging up. "Shigure, someone wants to talk to you"

Shigure nodded and took the phone
"Akito, how nice to hear your voice" While his voice sounded undoubtedly happy, his face said different. The moment he had said the name, the room went silent. Everyone knew, who Akito was, not personally, but even Kakeru knew, that the head of the family calling wasan't a certainly good sign.
"Well, we're all still alive and, aside from Yuki, well, if that's what you're emplying."
"I know, I'm aware, that there isn't much more time, than at best two years."
As Shigure said those words, Kyo looked up at him. What Kyo didn't know, was, that he wasn't acctually the subject of the call. Though he didn't know, that he wasn't the only one with limited freedome to live at Shigures with Thoru and others.
"Yes, yes, I suppose, but how are you feeling, dear Akito. Hatori seems to be quite busy with you, so busy, that he didn't have one free hour to check up on Yuki."
"I see, well, then please tell him to come over once he's done with you today, Yuki really needs another check up. Oh and it's good to hear, that you're recovering fast. You've always had a tendesy."
"No, I don't think that's the best idea, he's hated by most, you know that, right?" Now Kyo was sure he was talking about him, however while Akito was on the other side of the phone, he couldn't possibly scold Shigure. He supposed in the end part of the reason he spoke so hateful of him was to safe himself from punishment.
"You mean putting him in that cage?" Kyo froze, he hadn't expected Shigure to be so cold hearted, he knew, that everyone hated him and, that in two years he would be sent into that cage, but until then, he was free. ANd there was Shigure, telling the whole gathered group something only the cat and gpd were supposed to know about, how Shigure knew in the first place was another mitery to him.
"Yes, well, you see I-"
"Yes Akito, good bye."
He hung up.

The moment he was sure the line was cut of, Kyo went forward and slapped Shigure hard across the face. Thoru and Machi were frozen in shock, while Kakeru was trying to understand what was going on,

"You asshole!!"
"Kyo, what's the mat-" Shigure cut himself off, realizing, how simular his words had sounded to the fate of the cat.
"Kyo, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. I wasn't even-"
"Yeah right, you know, I get that you're super out of it, because Yuki is sick and all the trouble, that comes with it. But you know, you could at least try to act like you care about the rest of us."
"Kyo I wasn-"
"Safe it, if you're gonna try and find some way to explain this by saying, that you can't disibey your god and he tells us to hate me, no you can-"
"KYO!" Shigure strictly interrupted him in with a never before seen fury and strength behind his voice.
Kyo fell silent. Never before had he seen the usually calm man yell like this.

Fruits Basket: Yuki PtsdTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang