Chapter 1 - A new start

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Recommended song to listen to while reading - Take me to church by Hozier

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Recommended song to listen to while reading - Take me to church by Hozier



Quick disclaimer: Other than Heeseung, Sunghoon and Jay (who are 1 year older than the others), Niki, Sunoo, Jungwon and Jake are the same age.

Some things in this book might make you a little confused so I'll just clarify :) The actions are happening in the same year we live in, not in the 18nth century.


*Sunoo's pov*

I took a deep breath and smiled. The fresh air of the chilly morning made my cheeks red but I felt warm inside.

"So this is the place where I'm going to spend my next 4 years." I let out a sigh, a smile still plastered on my face. 

"Don't get all excited. It's not like anyone would want to be friends with someone like you. Come home on vacations. And only use that damn phone to call us."

"Yes ma'am." 

"You better not do anything stupid and embarrass me." I nodded slowly, not daring to look up at them.

"Damn waste of space."

They said before leaving.

Finally some freedom. Away from them. I can be happy again.

I probably made you a little confused so let me explain;

I am currently moving into my new campus dorm in where I will stay for the next 4 years of high school. As you can probably tell, I'm really really excited. You might ask why; well, as you probably figured, it's because of my family. They are conservative and religious which makes my life a living hell.

I just couldn't wait any longer for this day to come. For the past 16 years of my life, I felt like I was trapped in a cage by my own parents. It may seem like an exaggeration but I can assure you it's not.

You don't believe me? Well, let me tell you some of the rules that I had to follow while living with them: I wasn't allowed to swear or say the words: Shit, Crazy or nuts, stupid, idiot or anything like that, I wasn't allowed to hang out with my friends, I was only allowed to have friends that they considered "suitable" and if they found out that someone I know was part of the LGBTQ+ or didn't believe in God, they would make sure I never saw them again. The school I had to attend was a Christian one that had priests as teachers, everyone there was very religious and conservative and anyone who disobeyed the rules was sent to a "correcting school" which was worst than prison. In the house, I was only allowed to leave my room when it was time to eat or I had to use the bathroom, I wasn't allowed to have a TV or a phone. I would have to read the bible every single day and pray 3 times a day. If I didn't do so, I would get beaten up and get locked out in the cold until morning when they would finally let me in.

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