dating rumors

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we all know that it's kind of suspicious when two idols are being more touchy,close,comfortable or are just hanging out with each other.
i know that most of you are mature enough to know that also best friends can be touchy with each other and meet up more than just once a week and at any time.
but some people *coughs aggressively* DISPATCH,really just can't stop spreading these rumors and make idols feel uncomfortable.
i mean most of the idols either don't answer these questions, ignore them, confirm the rumors or just laugh about these rumors because they're straight up bullshit.
so yeah let's get it started!


oh my fucking god.
i hate everything that has to do with bts x blackpink.
omg guys wtf is up with you?
i mean it's more than just obvious that both groups have literally NOTHING to do with each other and are nothing more but 'colleagues'.
if i could, i'd just put every single dating rumor about the groups here but i won't so yeah.
i'm just gonna put some rumors here,say my opinion and move on with other groups/idols.

Jennie and Taehyung or also 'Taennie'🤡

do i have to mention how childish and stupid this is???
guys wtf why are y'all thinking they are dating only because they have the same curtains in their rooms,same shirt/accessories/fashion sense, are being seen together or have anything else in common?
like wtf these are the most normal things in the world and don't have to mean ANYTHING!!
like how bored to you have to be to think they are dating only because they were seen together in public maybe once or twice and that they own the same shirt or necklace/bracelets?
and if they are dating it's none of our *coughs even more aggressive* and DISPATCH's fucking business.

here is a post from a VERIFIED account on instagram, that is called "kpopmcorporation" and they're from chile.

here is a post from a VERIFIED account on instagram, that is called "kpopmcorporation" and they're from chile

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this is the picture they posted in beginning of 2022.
here's what they confidently wrote under this:

translation: "Big Hit has confirmed the relationship between V and Jennie

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translation: "Big Hit has confirmed the relationship between V and Jennie. Dating rumor sparked after V followed Jennie on Instagram a few weeks ago but he then unfollowed her right away after being disturbed by fans. This morning, Dispatch released a photo of the two at the airport heading to Paris. YG later also confirmed the dating report."
okay wtf.
this account should be taken down from instagram LIKE DUDE STOP ASSUMING/CONFIRMING THINGS THAT ARE NOT TRUE!?
dude this isn't funny and honestly it's disrespectful towards the two idols and both of their companies.
and also i think if they would've found out about this post, they 100% would feel ashamed, uncomfortable and hurt to be honest.
so please stop confirming and assuming things that are obviously not true.

MAMAMOO's Solar (and Moonbyul)

okay omg you won't believe me but this is my favorite rumor that has ever been spread in the kpop industry.
nothing has ever made me laugh this much,because this rally was just fucking funny.
dispatch have noticed some suspicious activity and behaviors from solar, so they decided to analyze it.
bro little did they know, byul and solar already planned this.

how the actual fuck can two people be so smart and clown dispatch like that??i balled my eyes out from laughing tbh-

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how the actual fuck can two people be so smart and clown dispatch like that??
i balled my eyes out from laughing tbh-

how the actual fuck can two people be so smart and clown dispatch like that??i balled my eyes out from laughing tbh-

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honestly these two are so creative istg😭😭


they're both soloist's btw and were part of cube ent.
when it came out to public that both of them were dating, hyuna and dawn got kicked out from their company.
guys honestly,why the actual FUCK do you kick people out only for dating??
i mean that's the most normal thing ever and i don't think it makes any sense though-
i mean dude,we all know that dating isn't a sin or crime and i really don't get it why motherfucking cube entertainment threw both of them out only for dating-
anyways i really love these two together and they make such a great couple!!
also they're engaged *most of you know ofc* and to be honest i can't wait for them to *hopefully 🙏🙏*
have children together one day,because yea i don't think they'll break up that fast because they're perfect for each other and they've been dating for so long now.

last but not least

yes i know this actually turned into a chapter of me literally just ranting about a few dating rumors but that's just how it is.
i know there are many other dating rumors going on and honestly i don't wanna really talk about them-
also if you want the next chapter could be either about what i think of jyp and cube entertainment or sasaengs.
y'all can *pls* comment and request/ask about a topic and i'll do it!<3

anyways that's it i'm done with this bullshit-
i said what i said.

-zac ㄱㅅㄱ✨

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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