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while I was driving back home, my phone bussed signalling someone is calling and it's my father in law, Pallavi's dad...I immediately picked up his calls.

Father in law: Vishnu, son! I want to tell you something serious, dear!!

He doesn't sound normal, he sounds more concerned or worried? but about what?

Vishnu: Yes, Father-in-law! Tell me, I'm all ears open!

I parked the car on the roadside, pulling the windows down and turning off the engine

Father in law: Son, This matter is a little bit serious and it's about Pallavi, dear!

His words tensed up me, I was already worried about my wife and now he need to tell me something...Please don't tell me now she has cancer and now she will leave me! I love her!

Vishnu: Father-in-law, you are frightening me now! please come straight to the point! what's about Pallavi? she is having any sickness? please don't tell me that!

I heard him chuckling on the other side, oh dearly! I'm worried! 

Father-in-law: five months before your marriage, Pallavi joined a software company in our city there her colleagues bullied her for being dad's baby and being all so innocent which she is, she has never interacted with such people! her world is all me, her mother, Luka and now you!

I smiled at his words hearing that I'm a part of her little world but why is he telling all this?

Father-in-law: her friends are someone who never stayed trust worth to her. my daughter is so fragile, you know! that thick-witted co-worker of hers forced her into social media! there she met a bloody, Naren! who gave her hopes in a love relationship! At there staring he chatted with her like a friend, then he confessed his fake love to her, that shit behaved like what Pallavi favoured in husband material, my kid is someone who fantasises that she will meet her prince charming once then wed him, that she found in Naren! she used to spend all her time scrolling Instagram then a guy dm her like let's be friends, they talked few days? He showed her his picture she showed her's? One fine day he said he likes her, love her, and she accepted!? He was so good he even started calling her wifey? And she liked him soo much, and he was gonna join a company he said he would join at some company that's near our house? He knows our address he said he will come and meet Pallavi at our house when no one is there, she was scared still lovesick! He said he would come to our home and kiss her on the lips? He used to sent  videos from movies saying he will kiss her like that.. that's when she started feeling weird with him... He then talked about their wedding and the wedding night, like how much he will love her after marriage, how he will give her those lovely forehead kisses, he even talked about naming their kids...he talked more about 18+ stuff like about porn actresses? He told her to google about those kinds of stuff, send screenshots to him... she did because she loved him with all her heart... She didn't feel good with talking about that stuffs... Pallavi started to be distant...he always talked about coming to our home and kissing her... which Pallavi started to hate that...he only had lust for her , there was no love, she told him it won't work out between them after this... He blackmailed her with those screenshots he deleted all the messages he sent she took a screenshot of all it when he started deleting one by one...his style of talking changed in a jiffy, Pallavi blocked him...she started to hate herself for being an open book to him...even told him our address phone number!!! she felt like shit...after Pallavi blocked him at Insta he came on WhatsApp he threatened her, he said he would share all their texts with people in her friend list, she was sacred because, the people in her friend list are her colleague, who already hate her now this will be a great content to make fun of my daughter. He had Pallavi's phone number he texted her on Whatsapp he threatened her to be his... she blocked him there too... when they were on good terms she used to call him but he won't pick up not even once he picked up...he would say all excuses...Pallavi didn't mind it at all... lovesick! He called her after she blocked him on WhatsApp... again she blocked him....then he used to send text from different numbers...she blocked it all...then he stopped doing all that... maybe he got another girl? Pallavi told me everything, she used to flinch every time the doorbell rings or if she saw a call from an unknown number!

Father-in-law said everything, She had this dark side In her life and that guy! I'll kill him! 

Father-in-law: Son, I'm saying all these because that...Naren, is back! he went to your place today and he threatened Pallavi to get back to him, he tried to misbehave with her- she cried to me, just now! Vishnu, I know what you are! please help my daughter! 

I heard his voice cracking, is he crying? so, the guy Thara said about is Naren! he tried to misbehave with my wife! Oh, dear! you are so dead today! I will make sure you won't see the sunrise tomorrow! I will make him an offer he can't refuse! get ready, Naren!

Vishnu: Father-in-law, You know me! and Pallavi is not only your daughter, she is my wife! and that Naren, you don't worry about that Dog and stress yourself! I will take very good care of that mf! and I know some guy came home today but I don't know it was Naren and as you told me now, I'll take control now! I was going home now, I'll go check on Pallavi!

after a farewell, I ended the call and drove to my destination. I Hope Pallavi is all right, she might be sacred by now! I wish I always have her in my embrace and protect her! 

She looks so terrified, I stroked her cheeks while she snuggle up against the pillow. I hugged her bring her body close to mine as I planted a kiss on her temples inhaling her hair scent, it smelled like berries those are my favourite! I moved a few strands of her hair I stopped seeing a print of hand on her neck, that must be that shit Naren! I spotted a few nail marks on her skin, that's it I lost it! I slowly removed Pallavi's hand from my shirt, she gripped it. I got off the bed after placing a kiss on her forehead, walking out to the living room 

Vishnu: Arjun, check on our floor CCTV! get that guy in a black hoodie that visited my place! I want in our basement in five minutes!! and sent Thara here, ask her to take my wife somewhere for shopping! maybe to OMR? Get ready, we have work tonight! 

I was checking the CCTV footages that Arjun just forwarded me, did this Naren just bang into my house! that scoundrel! he is so dead today! that's when I heard a sleepy soft voice.

???: Vishnuu

there stood my wife, looking all cute in a loose fitted dress and her long silky black hair dropping down reaching her waist while her bangs hid her eyes as she pushed them aside.

Vishnu: aw baby! did you wake up? come here!!

she walked to me lazily and sat on the couch and fall on my chest, cuddling into me.

Pallavi: Vish-mmm, I'm still sleepy! want more sleep~

she mumbled against my body as I scooped her into my arms making her rest comfortably 

I saw Luka hurrying closer to her possessively, Huh? She is mine, already! I stroke her hair.

Vishnu: Pallavi-

Not letting me complete my words the bell rang, I sensed Pallavi panicking! Oh, dear!

Vishnu: Let me go check!

I stood up and walked to the door and looked back at Pallavi who stood there fighting with her fingers and the hem of her oversized sweater. Oh, honey! he can't come here again!


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