Chapter 12.3 : 𝐷𝐴𝑇𝐸 𝐷𝐴𝑌 𝑇𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸

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*Oh ya, your extra classes ended

Day Three: Wednesday

Miya Chinen POV:

I woke up with a stomach ache. So I skipped school. YAYY

After awhile, I recieved a text from [y/n]:

<you didn't come to school today

Miya Chinen
<yeah, I have a stomach ache

<r u okay?

Miya Chinen
<yeah, I'm fine

<should I come over after school?

Miya Chinen
<Nah, I'm fine

< ok then, get well soon!
< I gtg, byee

Miya Chinen


She actually sounds concerned, does she really care for me? Wait, what am I thinking, nevermind, I should sleep. Then I fell asleep.

[Y/n] POV:

Miya wasn't in school today, and yuzuki was talking to Takashi so I read my book. I was happy until a few girls and boys came up to me and ask "Are you dating Miya?" LIKE HOLY WHAT THE FU-

"U-umm, n-no" "Really? Cause it really seems like you guys are dating" "Well we are not, I need to go to the toilet" I said and ran away, not exactly running but yeah.

~Back in class~

"Hey, [y/n]!" I heard Takashi call me. "Yes?" "Reki asked me to ask you, do you and Miya walk to school together?" "No, but we meet up at the school gate"

"Well..." Takashi inched in and whispered to my ear, "Reki said that you guys won't look like you guys are dating if you aren't even walking to school together. He also told me that he will also stalk either you or Miya to school, but he told me not to tell you so please don't tell him that I tell him I told you"

"O-oh, thanks Takashi" I said, and I WAS thankful to Takashi. But how am I gonna tell Miya tomorrow though...


hAhaHahaHa kinda short ik but the next chapter is worth it I promise!

Preview: "Umm you see, I lied."

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