Mine: "Tatsumi, wait!"

Tatsumi stopped moving and began to slowly put the man back onto the chair.

Mine: "He's attached to an explosive."

Tatsumi: "Yeah, I saw that before I could activate it."

They see that the chair was arranged in a triangle with a bomb under each chair, the bomb was small enough to hide but powerful enough to blow up the entire building.  Both Mine and Tatsumi then began to look onto each person on a chair, so they decided to check if they could remove their tape.  When they removed the revolutionary spy's duct tape over his eye's to reveal that this man had his eye's removed, with only bloody sockets.

Tatsumi: "God, who does this to a person?"

Mine began to look around the room to see that there was a letter on the only table in the room.

Mine: "To the Batman?  Tatsumi I don't think we are supposed to be here."

Tatsumi walked towards Mine where he saw the letter, so Tatsumi decided to open the letter to see what's inside.

Mine: "Wait don't."

Tatsumi: "Why not if we don't do anything he could die."

Mine: "We don't know that, plus we can't be in the same place for too long."

Tatsumi: "So your suggesting we abandon him?"

Mine: "No but what good are we, if we're dead.  So I need you to slow down and refrain from touching everything."

Tatsumi: "Okay."

Mine then began to analyze the room where she tried to think of anything to get their spy out of the situation, she could care less about the other two.

Mine: "Alright let's open it."

Tatsumi then nodded and opened it to see the note that said 'To your mysterious friend' she then opened it to see a string of strange symbols.

Mine: "What the hell?"

This was confusing to Tatsumi and Mine so they gave up with the note, and decided to simply disarm the bomb and get out of there.

Mine: "Alright I think I can do this."

Mine began to slowly but surely disarm the bomb, but she was moving at a snails pace doing her best not to make a single mistake that will blow up everyone in the building.

Tatsumi: "Hey, Mine are you almost done?"

Mine: "No, why are you asking?"

Tatsumi: "Because I think we are on the clock here."

Mine then began to hear many footsteps approaching the building, this caused Mine to slightly panic while Tatsumi began to barricade the door even though it was steel reinforced.

Guard 1: "Captain, are you there?"

Neither Tatsumi nor Mine answered.

Guard 2: "Something is not right."

The guards tried to open the door, with the door being locked.  

Guard 1: "If there is anyone inside open the door!"

The guards began to try to force the door open only to not budge the door.

Guards 2: "It's not budging, get the others."

With one of the guards continuously banging on the door while the other guard began to run to get reinforcements which spelled bad news for Tatsumi and Mine. 

Silent GuardianOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz