New Threats

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Mine and Tatsumi began to jump from rooftop to rooftop to find their target.  Mine only had a high powered sniper rifle now since she lost Pumpkin a while ago, and now had Tatsumi as a partner since Sheele went to the retribution group.

Mine: "I can't believe I got partnered up with you again, I am not going to play babysitter for the newbie."

Tatsumi: "I'm not a newbie anymore, in fact I should be around the same rank as you."

Mine: "Do not pit me with you and your friends newbie, you barely have seen any action as of yet."

Tatsumi: "I killed some targets."

Mine: "Yet none of them had any teigu's, so don't get cocky just because you killed a few low thugs."

Tatsumi: "What about that time that I helped kill that imperial fist master."

Mine: "Yeah, but that that's the most action that you have seen, which isn't much."

They stand on top of a building in front of the house of where their target was located, their target was a imperial captain that has been somehow been learning the every move made by the eastern front of the revolutionary army.

Mine: "Now shut up, I'm concentrating."

Mine began to look down the scope to see that the lights were off to his house.

Mine: "Now that's strange."

Tatsumi: "What is?"

Mine: "Our spy said that they would be home by now, and normally they would be reviewing information."

Tatsumi: "So what do we do?"

Mine: "I'm going to call the spy."

Mine pulled out a radio to call in to their spy only to have nothing in response.  Mine began to have a bad feeling, so a part of her began to get suspicious of this assignment.

Mine: "Their not responding."

Tatsumi: "I think we should go check what's going on."

Mine: "Maybe but I don't like the look of it."

Tatsumi: "Then let's go."

Tatsumi began to head into the building with Mine following behind him.  Both Mine and Tatsumi was cautious when they began to open the door to the building giving an audible creak.  Looking in the dark room sent alarms through Mine's body, it was way to easy to get inside, this place was meant to be built like a fortress with reinforced walls and doors.  Yet the door was unlocked and there wasn't any guards here, it was all too easy.

Tatsumi: "It's quiet, too quiet."

Mine: "No shit Sherlock."

Suddenly the doors behind them shut, this caused both Tatsumi and Mine to panic.

Mine: "Great the rookie walked us both right into a trap."

Tatsumi: "What the your blaming me for this?"

Mine: "It was your idea."

Suddenly the lights came on where they saw three men on chairs, two of them they instantly recognized, one of them was their spy and the other their target.  The revolutionary spy had a tape over his eye's, the imperial captain had something over his ears, while the third one a mystery man had tape over his mouth.

Mine: "What the hell?"

Tatsumi then began to walk up to the revolutionary spy, where he began to check his pulse to find out that this man was alive.

Tatsumi: "He's alive."

Tatsumi was about to get the man off the chair, until Mine noticed a thin strand of string connecting him to the chair.

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