Battle Ship

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We see the BUS flying in beautiful blue skies "Every decision you make from here on out has consequences so be warned.... The kiddie gloves are off" Ward explained seriously to someone now we see him on the BUS in a white lounge chair

"kiddie gloves seriously?" Jarvis laughed

"G7" Skye said from the other side of the table and Ward closed his eyes "hit" they're playing battleship

"they're playing battleship? I thought it was more serious like sparring or something" Steve snorts

"yeas! Ha!" Skye cheered under her breath "so, explain to me again what this has to do with my training" Skye asked grabbing a pretzel from the bowel on the table

"Yes I want to know that too" Steve laughed

"it's important for every S.O to evaluate their student's thought process" Ward explained and Skye nods

"S.O?" Rocket asked "Supervising Officer" Clint answered "oh that makes sense" Rocket nods "Coulson was mine" Clint adds "Melinda was mine," Nat said. "Yup the unbeatable Strike Team Delta!" Hill chuckled reminiscing. "What?" Peggy asked curious to know about future SHIELD. "Well the team consisted of Coulson, May, Nat, and I" Clint starts "we would be called to go on the type of missions that others couldn't, like the most dangerous one's--" "--makes them more fun" Nat smirked "over time and lots of near-death experiences we grew to be like a family" Nat continued

"Yeah, don't remind me, we would sometimes do some things, we'd even get in trouble--"

"You would do something"

"--and Melinda would give these stern mom looks and Coulson would give us paperwork for a week, and if we did something really really wrong we had to deal with the newbies"

"it was horrible they are all horrible"

Clint smirked, "remember the guy that hit on you?"

"I'm pretty sure he didn't forget about me" Nat chuckled

everyone was watching this exchange with interest and amusement at finally seeing part of the duo they hadn't seen before.

"MM-Hmm" she agreed not totally sure "and I like board games, B10" Ward admitted asking a number

"fair argument" Steve shrugged

"nope," Skye said as she hadn't been hit "this isn't thinking this is stabbing in the dark, but it's nice to take a break from the workouts" Skye admitted grabbing another pretzel

"damn right" Tony agreed "what are you talking about you don't even work out" Bruce shot, leaving tony with an offended look on his face "do to" Tony huffed. Pepper chuckled and decided to help her husband for once. "He actually does work out how do you think he has those arms" she proved pointing to his arms. making everyone look, some people had to admit they hadn't noticed how fit Tony was. "See, thank you Pep" Tony smirked and kissed her cheek.

"well... You deserve a break, I got to give Coulson credit I would have never pegged an ex-Rising Tide hacker as a good fit, but... you're picking things up pretty fast" he complimented

"Did he just give her a compliment?" Tony grinned

"Did you just give me a compliment?" Skye smiled teasingly pointing to herself and Ward shook his head

Tony laughed along with everyone else

"I -- no, I made a comment" he denied and Skye smiled leaning forward

"Sure..." Tony laughed

"A kind one" she persisted "Did it physically hurt to do that?" she asked amused in teasing him "do you need an Ice pack?" she asked leaning forward with a serious tone.

Tony laughed and everyone else chuckled.

They both laugh

"wow, he is on a streak a compliment and a smile" Tony joked

"Wow. A compliment and a smile" she teased again

"Tony, if I didn't have a cold hard proof stating otherwise I would believe she was your daughter," Hill said and Tony muttered something that sounded like "I wish".

"Comment" he persisted "I don't want to ruin the moment but I'm gonna have to respond with .... G4." she exaggerated looking him in the eye, him still smiling looked down and the second he did his smile faded and Skye's smile grew

"hit and sink!" Carol chuckled

"Say it, Ward say it" she demanded while he sighed "you sank my battleship" he spoke grudgingly and Skye laughed with victory "yes!" she cheered. "All right best 2 out of 3" Ward interrupted

"sore loser" Clint laughed

"I beat you" she laughed again shoving it into his face, "best 2 out of 3" he repeated ignoring her, "best? I just won out of nothing" she teased.

"I like her" Nat grinned

Now we see Coulson watching them from afar and May behind him with a water bottle

"parent stalker," Clint said covering it with a cough

"she's fitting in nicely," Coulson told May knowing she was there, seeing Ward say something and Skye denying laughing while Ward insisted "Gloating?" May asked knowing the answer


"a little" Coulson admitted still watching the pair play "you were up early this morning heard you puttering around even before I started Tai Chi, Having trouble sleeping," She asked smiling "No, I feel great" Coulson denied "Just have a little extra energy to burn up" he explained and May smiled

Natasha and Clint laughed knowing what the smile was for

"if you want, I could lay out the mats downstairs we could go a few rounds like the old days?" she smiled and Coulson turned to her chuckling.

"That was the shortest clip but one of the funniest" Steve laughed

Hey, guys hoped you liked that, sorry it took so long to update.

Just a reminder if I didn't say it already this fanfic is placed 3 years after Thanos (infinity war)

so Pepper and Tony are married

Morgan is alive and around 5 years old (let's pretend pepper was pregnant during infinity war)

just want to confirm all the people who are watching aos are:

Nat, Clint, Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Thor

Rocket, Carol, Nick, Hill, Pepper, Rhodey, Scott, older Cassie

Peggy, Howard, E. Jarvis.

I wanted to include Cassie so I edited the first chapters a bit.

Agents and Avengers watch (Real Updating)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora