Part 5

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This is a mature story. Only read if you are comfortable.

Akshara Goenka:

Every morning, Akshu got to the campus an hour and half early and waited for Dr. Birla to come.  He usually came an hour before the class started and every morning, he would be surprised to see her. She would wish him a good morning and follow him into the classroom and sit at her desk.  She usually would review the notes from the previous day or work on her songs while he would sit at his desk preparing for his lessons.  They would work in silence until the other students will start coming in.

Despite their rocky start, Akshu had no intention of getting on Dr. Grouchy Birla's bad side. She kept to herself in his classroom, doing her work and participating only when needed.  Since childhood, Akshu was a model student and never gotten in trouble at school or home. Her teachers always loved her and her report cards were always full of praises.  Even at home, she tried to not give anyone an excuse to complain.

As for her family, it was true she was born with not a silver but a diamond encrusted spoon. The Goenkas were one of the biggest business powers in the country.  Apart from being diamond merchants, they also worked in real estate, trading and also had a range of hotels.  Akshu's grandfather, Manish Goenka was the head of the family business with his two brothers, Akhilesh and Samarth Goenka helping him. The family business was divided into three equal parts for each of the brothers and Manish Goenka wanted his three grandchildren to inherit his share.  Akshu's elder brother, Kairav already worked under Manish and Akshu's younger sister, Aarohi was still studying.  Akshu knew when she finished her education, she was expected to join the family business.  Akshu didn't mind. Not really. Her grandfather had done a lot for her and her siblings after their parents passed away. He loved and pampered them and made sure they never felt the absence of Kartik and Naira.  So helping Bade Papa with his business felt like it was the least she could do.

Yet, Akshu's real love was music. She loved to sing and play her guitar and everyone agreed, Akshu sounded like a nightingale.  Her grandfather didn't have any problems with Akshu's music as long as it didn't interfere with her education. Even he loved her singing.  So Akshu worked hard in school and then practiced her music as a hobby.

Taking Dr. Grouchy Birla's class meant she had one less business class take during the fall semester and Akshu was planning on taking a music class instead. Akshu always had a goal and she knew with hard work and focus, she could always complete those goals. No Dr. Birla was going to stop her from that.


Abhimanyu Birla:

The first week of classes went as usual. By day two, Abhi could already tell who will be passing his class and who wouldn't be. He knew who were the serious ones, who were the slackers. He always could tell and he was always right. The only one he was wrong about was Miss Goenka. He really thought she will be the one giving him trouble but the opposite was true. She was focused and punctual. Always waiting outside the class before he got there, turning all her assignments on time and paying attention in class. Apart from the first day, she had given him no excuse to be on his bad side and he was grateful for that. She barely ever said a word to him unless it was to ask a question related to the lesson he was teaching. It surprised Abhi how this pampered princess was so serious about her work.

Even in the mornings before class, she would put on her headphones and let him do his work and do her own. She would sometimes hum a song while working and it was most likely an unconscious thing but it didn't bother him at all. In fact, something about her humming relaxed him.


Abhi's schedule was already busy with his class and his work at the hospital but even then, he would make sure that at least one Saturday a month he went to the local NGO to look at patients. Most of the patients that came to the NGO could not afford a fee and Abhi was too big of a doctor to treat a fever or a cold but what was the point of being a doctor if he couldn't help people? He always looked forward to his visits.

Recently, another NGO contacted him and asked if he could come visit them as well, having heard about him from the previous one. This NGO mostly helped underprivileged children and right away, Abhi agreed. Abhi finished his work at the first NGO and went to the new one.

The director, Mr. Patel introduced himself and took Abhi to his office. "We try to help provide mostly for the children on the streets and the ones who are orphaned. This NGO is 100% volunteered run and donation based and we are so grateful that a doctor of your structure has agreed to help us out. There are so many children in this city who can't afford basic health care so this will be such a big help."

Mr. Patel lead Abhi into a bigger room where a desk and a chair was set up for him. There were already a line of people waiting to be seen. Children of all ages, some alone and some with an adult were lined up and Abhi knew it would take him the rest of the day to see everyone. Abhi took his seat and started to see his patients.

The room was hot and muggy but thankfully right next to his desk there was a big window and a nice breeze was coming out. He could hear children playing and laughing outside the window with a guitar playing. The sound of the music coming from the guitar and the laughter from the children helped elevate Abhi's mood and made his work easier. As he got to his 15th patient, someone started to sing from outside while playing the guitar. Abhi stopped for a second. There was a familiarity to the voice but Abhi couldn't remember where he heard it before. It was a beautiful voice, almost angelic. The singer definitely understood her surs and her taals.

Abhi focused on his patients enjoying the music but after half an hour when the singing stopped, he got up to take a break and also see who this singer was. He went outside and saw a bunch of children sitting down, coloring. A girl had her back turned as she was standing by a table gathering some papers while her guitar was hung over her back. Abhi went near as he wanted to see who she was but stopped in his tracks as he saw the expensive bracelet on her wrist. He had seen that bracelet before. This was exactly like that bracelet that.....

Just then the girl turned and took a step back when she saw him. "Sir?" She said in surprise.
"Miss Goenka? What are you doing here?" Abhi asked in shock.

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