Part 3

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This is a mature story. Only read if you are comfortable.

Akshara Goenka:

Akshara was going to kill Jai. That much, she was sure.  She had come early for her first day of class with the infamous Dr. Birla but Jai had told her the name of the wrong building. But the time she realized and got to the right building, she was already 10 minutes late. Akshara ram breathlessly to the class and stopped outside the room. She took a deep breath and entered the room. The professor was writing something on the board and Akshara silently tiptoed to an empty seat next to her friend, Neha.
"Late comers are not allowed in my class." Dr. Birla said as he continued to write on the board.
"I'm really sorry, sir. I got confused between the buildings." Akshara tried to explain herself.
"I do not care for your excuses. Please leave. If you want to stay in class, make sure you come in on time tomorrow or I'll drop you." Dr. Birla said turning around.  Akshara looked at the professor in surprise. She was expecting some 60 year old grumpy man but Dr. Birla was most likely in his 30s with deep brown almond shaped eyes and quite a  handsome face but Akshara didn't care what he looked like. Akshara had never been asked to leave from a class before and she couldn't believe this Dr. Birla was threatening to drop her. 
"Sir, believe me. It really was an honest mistake." Akshara said softly.
"Okay. Be here on time tomorrow.  Now, please leave." Dr. Birla said in a monotone.
"But sir..."
"Keep arguing and I'll drop you from the class now." Akshu stood frozen on her spot. "So are you going to leave now and come back tomorrow or do you want me to drop you right now?" Dr. Birla took a file from the desk. "Your name is...?"
"Sir, please." Akshu begged him.
"Your name?" Dr. Birla said a little more loudly.
"Akshara Goenka."
"Alright, Ms. Goenka. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a nice day." Dr. Birla said making a note on his file before going back to writing on the board. Akshara threw a dirty look at Jai and left the classroom in tears.


"What does he think of himself? Grouchy Birla kahin ka!" Akshara cried sitting on a bench next to Neha.
"Chill Akshu. He only went over the rules and the schedule.  You didn't miss anything." Neha tried to assure her.
"Not once in my life have I ever gotten trouble with any of my teachers." Akshu sobbed.
"Yaar, there is a first time for everything and really it's not that bad." Naina said patting Akshu's back. "But yaar, kitna handsome banda hai! You should be more worried about how we are going to focus in class with him teaching!"
Akshu threw her friend a dirty look. "I don't care if he looks like Hritik Roshan even. What a rude, arrogant man."
"Don't worry, Akshu. Pretty soon, you will be his favorite student and he will love you." Neha said smiling.
"Why would I want that grouchy man to like me? I'll focus on my class and hopefully these 8 weeks will go by quickly so I don't have to see this Dr. Grouchy Birla ever again." Akshu gathered her things and walked away from her friends.


Akshu sat in her room, still sulking about Dr. Birla. Just then, her cell phone rang. "Hello?"
"Akshu? How are you, my darling?"  A familiar voice said on the other line.
"Badi Maa?" Akshu started to cry.
"Akshu? What happened? Why are you crying? Did something happen?" Akshu's grandmother asked in a worried tone.  Someone else took the phone from her and started to talk.
"Akshu? Beta! What happened? Tell me right now!" Her grandfather asked.
"Bade Papa! Nothing happened. I just had a bad day." Akshu said cleaning her tears.
"Akshu. Don't lie. Today, your new class started. Did something happen there?" Her grandfather knew her too well.
"Yes, Bade Papa." Akshu told him everything.
"There is no reason for you to continue this class. I don't know why you are even taking it. Just come home for the summer, beta. We all miss you so much."  Bade Papa told her.
"I miss you guys, too. But I am not a quitter, Bade Papa. I'll come once this class is over." Akshu promised him.

Akshu hanged up the call and felt a little better. Her grandparents always had a way of making her calm. Akshu had lost her parents when she was still very young and it was her Bade Papa and Badi Maa that raised her and her two siblings.  She was always so loved and pampered by her grandparents that she rarely ever felt the absence of the parents she barely had any memories of. She had always been so sheltered that Dr. Birla's harsh tone shook her. Akshu had always done well in school, eager to make her family proud.  To have a professor ask her to leave his classroom impacted Akshu deeply. She decided to go to sleep and wake up early to make sure she was the first in that class. "I'll make that Dr. Grouchy Birla realize he made a mistake in threatening me like that."

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