Chapter Forty- Eight

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Aliya POV

I walked up the small flight of stairs and I waved at the crowd. This is what everybody has been waiting for and its

"Hello and welcome to Amphi University's annual MVP awards! It's truly an honor to be here tonight." I said and the crowed clapped their hands. "As you've experienced, AUHS is more than just a school, it's a community. We're volunteers, we're supporters, we're innovators and we are the future!"

"Ugh! Get on with it already!" Someone shouted from the crowd and everyone turned to look at them.

"Harris shut your ugly ass up! Let the girl say her speech. You just mad cause you wish that was you!" I heard Avyanna shout from the row behind her and the people behind her laughed.

"As I was saying, let's celebrate the outstanding athletes for all of their hard work and the outstanding year that we have had so far. And before we hand out the awards, let's take a moment to thank the people that made this night possible." The spotlight parted into five and went to different areas of the room. "Tonight could not have been possible without our volunteers. Please give a big round of applause to our very own culinary students, our orchestra, and our choir. And another round of applause for our generous sponsors: Summer Enterprises and Auradew Inc."

The screen behind me showed my mother's company and some other company the school has worked with for years.

"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for, the awards!" I said the crowd went wild. "We're going to start off with the football team."

I handed awards to people on the football team, soccer team, tennis team, baseball team, softball team, the cheer team, the dance team, the volleyball team, the swim team, the golf team, and the girls' basketball team. All that was left was the boys basketball team.

"Last but not least, boys' basketball team. Members of the basketball team would you please stand!" I said and they stood up. The crowd gave them a round of applause and they sat down simultaneously. "I have to admit, I wasn't going to come today but then I remembered how much fun it was to assist the boys basketball team. It's my pleasure to be up here and hand some of you awards and to give all of you a certificate of achievement."

They brought out the first card and trophy and I took the card in my hand.

"This award is being presented to the two players that showed the most improvement. The recipients for this award have shown that no matter what goes on on the basketball court, there is always room for improvement." I opened the envelope and I read the names on the card. "Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for number forty-five, Armani Davis, our second runner up!"

They displayed his picture on the screen and members of the crowd began to cheer. He stood up and walked toward the stage. He reached me and I shook his hand and handed him his award. I motioned got him to walk towards the microphone and he did.

"I'd like to thank everyone who believed that I could do this. I'd like to thank Coach Summers for being hard on us and giving me an opportunity to shine just like the rest of the team does. Thanks again!" He said and they crowd applauded.

"This next recipient, in my opinion has showed plenty of improvement and he has proved that nothing will ever hold him back." I said, faking a smile. I tried not to say his name as sarcastic as I wanted to. "Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for our first runner up, number 4, August Jackson."

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