Chapter the Ninth

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I couldn't breathe. Tewkesbury's grandmother was supposed to be in prison!

"I- You- What?" I stuttered.

"Now, Miss Posy," the Dowager smiled at me. "Or may I call you, well, May?"

I stared at her, unable to understand that she really thought that I was May Beatrice Posy.

"No, no. I go by Beatrice." I stuck out my hand. Tewkesbury's grandmother shook it with her ice cold hands.

"Of course, Beatrice! I'm Lady Basilwhether." (A/N I'm gonna just say that Tewkesbury's last name is Basilwhether because I don't know) She tilted her head, and I realised how different she looked. Her white hair used to be in a bun, but now it fell over her shoulders. Her eyes looked more alert, as if she was turning mad. She slouched more than ever, making her look shorter. I've decided to call her Lady Botherwhether.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, trying to sound threatening.

"Nothing! Nothing from you, anyway!" Lady Botherwhether shrugged her narrow shoulders. "I only want the best for you, the future May Beatrice Basilwhether."

I went red. "I don't even like the Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwhether!" I argued.

"Mm..." Lady Botherwhether stared out the window. "Your actions suggest otherwise."

We rode along in silence, and I couldn't believe that Tewkesbury's grandmother thinks we're a thing! Every time sneak a peek at Lady Botherwhether, she's always staring out the window, smiling and humming under her breath. I wondered if she was turning senile.

Finally, we arrived at Basilwhether. "Let's go, Beatrice." Botherwhether told me.

I was ushered inside, and I did so after much groaning. I finally gave in when the Dowager tripped and fell in the mud. The guard was helping her up. Inside, I saw Lady Caroline Basilwhether (Tewkesbury's mother), running around. When she saw me, she smiled.

"Enola, how'd it go?"

"How'd what go?"

"The thing with Tewky," Lady Caroline said in an attempt to sound offhand.

I almost burst out laughing. Tewky? I've got to tease him about that later. If there even is a later, I thought.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." I said, straightening my dress.

"Of course. Why are you here then, if I might ask?" Lady Caroline gestured for me to sit down, and I did.

"I'm undercover!" I whispered to Lady Caroline. "I'm May Beatrice Posy!"

"Of course," Lady Caroline nodded. "But from who?"

"Not now! I go by Beatrice, remember that!"

"Why, there you are, Beatrice! And Caroline! How nice to see you!" Lady Botherweather came in as if nothing had happened.

Lady Caroline gawked at her mother-in-law. "I-"

"Beatrice," Lady Botherweather walked over and gripped my wrist tightly. "Let's go."

Of course, I didn't have a choice, seeing that the Dowager pulled me along. I just let her take me away, because her two guards were fully armed with guns and probably full cases of bullets. They were eyeing me kind of suspiciously. "What are you looking at?" I snapped at one guard, who was glaring at me. He looked away, embarrassed.

"Come, come!" Lady Botherweather tightened her grip. "Must get going now!" She smiled towards Lady Caroline Basilwhether, and I was taken towards the door at the end of the room.

A/N I already wrote this once but it didn't save... I think... Anyway as a recap Rose introduced a person called "motivation buddy Paige" (wattpad account is paigehhh I THINK) she chats with Paige on Wattpad and anyway I've read her stories it's really good and yeah.




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