Chapter the Eighth

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"Get up!" A gruff voice woke me up. I didn't feel afraid of the man. He reminded me of Mycroft, my brother. So bossy, and commanding.

"No." I turned around, making the back of me face the person. "Was it not you who hit me on the head in the first place?" My eyes remained closed. I was lying on a cold, wooden floor. I had a cramp in my neck, but I could hardly complain about that.

"I said, get up!" The man slapped me on the arm, and my eyes flew open. I was in a shabby hideout. The walls were made of wood planks, with large gaps in them. The gaps were covered by newspaper, but that didn't seem to be working. The paper was tearing, and I saw that it was bright outside. I could only guess that it was early morning. There was barely a roof, for a large wooden board covered the top of the "house".

I rolled my eyes, and sat up. "You are to be delivered to the Basilwhether mansion." The man scowled at me. He was wearing a gray bowler hat. It was like a split image of Brown Bowler Hat, but instead of brown, I decided to call him Gray Bowler Hat. He wasn't as intimidating as Brown. I felt like I had met him somewhere before.

"Where's Tewkesbury?" I asked Gray Bowler Hat. He didn't answer. "I said, where's Tewkesbury?"

Gray Bowler Hat snapped. "He's not your concern!"

I blinked back my tears. Tewkesbury could be hurt, kidnapped, or worse, dead! "Why do you want to take me to the Basilwhether mansion then?"

"Those were my orders." He replied, then threw a bag over my head. I struggled, writhing and punching and kicking and slapping. It was pitch black in the bag, and I couldn't breathe. "If you know what's good for you, stop moving!"

I sat still. Gray Bowler Hat yanked me up, and dragged me to what seemed like outside. I got thrown into a carriage, and someone spoke to me gently.

"Now, now, Miss Posy. We wouldn't want to get you hurt, would we?" The bag was taken off my head, and I stared straight into the eyes of the Dowager.

A/N Good morning! New chapter, and a very short chapter. I actually helped with the ideas for this chapter, and it was... interesting.

Rose was here for a sleepover last night, and our friends are coming over to watch Enola Holmes for the first time. First. Time. I'm so excited!!!

Enough of me blabbing.


I Don't Care Much for Flowers (Enola x Tewky)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें