Chapter the First

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I flipped open the newspaper.

Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwhether, Found

My heart leapt, seeing the Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwhether in the headlines. Of course, it was my doing that Tewkesbury was found in the first place. I saved him from Brown Bowler Hat (he was attempting to throw Tewkesbury off a train), attempted to save his life several more times (almost ending with me being killed), and together, we threw his grandmother into jail. Why? Oh, because his grandmother, the Dowager, also tried to kill Tewkesbury. Seriously, what was up with all the people trying to kill him? It's not like he was special in any way. At all.

My mind raced back to the time that I almost complemented Tewkesbury:

"Why would anyone want me dead?"

"Countless reasons! Your personality, your ridiculous hair, your silly smile, or possibly your land, your estate, your title, your seat."

I shuddered. What was I thinking? Nonetheless, I assured myself that maybe the Marquess may have missed that tiniest bit of, um, never mind, and focused on the other reasons. I reopened the newspaper, and started reading,

A/N I'm really sorry for this short chapter but I need to go to bed now. Um, sorry. Maybe I'll update a little later into the week.

Bye :)

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