Chapter the Fifth

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"Now," Tewkesbury frowned. "how does one set up a giant tent?" He held the instructions manual awkwardly, as if it was fragile, and it would break if he gripped it too tight. "It doesn't say..."

I sighed. It's an instruction manual. It gives you instructions. "Give me that." I snatched the paper out of his hand, and saw words. Tewkesbury. As a young man, you should be able to assemble a tent by yourself. What strange words!

I looked over at the not young man. Perhaps an old boy, but definitely not a man. I flipped the page.

If you see that Enola girl, invite her over for tea at four on Thursday. Four on Thursday... the date stuck in my head. I went red, and stared pointedly at Tewkesbury.

"I... honestly don't know how to set up a tent." Tewkesbury looked at the ground.

"You really are useless!" I exclaimed, and set Dash on the bench. I got down on my knees, and started working on the tent.

"Um," Tewkesbury bent down, reaching for the pillow. "Does this-"

"Just..." I sighed. "Don't." I secured the tent.

"Is it done?" Tewkesbury asked, looking at the large tent. It was a black tent, about 10 feet tall and 20 feet wide.

"Not yet." I stood up, ready to do the last step.

"Okay." He looked at me.

"No." I pointed my finger at Tewkesbury. "Do not look at me like that. Ever."

"Alright." He stood silently, and watched me work.

A few minutes later, I was finally done. Mother would've been proud of my work. I looked up, excited that we could finally go in. However, I saw, or rather didn't see, the Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwhether.

A/N Short chapter, but Rose wrote this on her bus, which is pretty impressive...

Okay people


(maybe another update later but I'm not sure)

(I don't even think anyone's reading this Rose)

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