My Bestfriends Boyfriend pt. 12

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I feel like I am writing to myself. Please take a minute to write a comment at the bottom. IT will motivate me to write more. Happy Reading.


I woke up to the sound of a door sliding open. I didn't remember the past events of the other day and was creeped out when I heard a guys voice in the room. I thought that it was some creepy old man that had snuck into my room. When the door opened again, I realized exactly where I was. I tried tostretch but was cut off from the motion when I realized my hands were tied behind my back. I looked up to the person on the other side of the room. It was a different guy from when I went to sleep.

I then realized that I was hungry and asked the guy, "When am I getting fed? If you want me to talk, at least keep me fed." The guys head snapped up and looked at me with alarm. He looked familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. He looked at the door and then at me. Back and forth, back and forth. I felt my face go into bewilderment. I told him, "You can tell me. I'm not going to kill you. Plus, if I'm right, you are probably as bored as me at this moment if you had to sit in a dark room with a girl for x amount of hours. Am I right?"

"Yeah. You're right. Holy shit." He said then almost squished himself into the wall trying to get out. 

"I'm not a mutant person. Please talk to me. I am bored out of my mind. The other guy talked to me and I bet he didn't get into trouble. Dude, you are the wimpiest guy to be in a gang of all places." I scoffed in his direction and then closed my eyes and lent my head back. 

I suddenly felt a presence next to me and opened one eye. He was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! "No one makes fun of me. I am just as tough as the next guy in this gang. You don't know the half of it," he shouted at me then turned his back.

"Now was that all that hard to talk t me without having a scared little look on your face like a little girl?" I said in a bemused voice while smirking at him.

"You are a clever little girl aren't you? Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"Well why don't we start with the basics? This way we will know a little about each other."

"Sure. Lets play a game," he said smirking.

"What's the game. It better not be 20 questions because I tried that and it didn't work out."

"The game is truth or dare." He them continued to untie my hands and lock the door with a key and put that key in his pocket. He then untied my legs and feet. 

"I'm down with that if I can stretch. You go first. Truth or dare?" I said while standing up and stretching.

"Dare! I can do anything." I noticed the smug look on his face and had a brilliant idea. 

"Tie yourself into a pretzel with your hands and legs so it feels like you can't feel your back. And then I will tie you up and you have to try to get out of it like Harry Houdini."

"Done and done. That's so easy." He did as he was told not realizing that it would take him a little while to get out of the pretzel to stop me. He got into a pretzel and I tied up his hands and his legs behind his back where they were positioned. I used the knots that we learned in girl scouts when I was ten. Ha ha ha.

I then proceeded to take the key from his pocket and run for the door. I called over my shoulder, "SUCKER!" That was the oldest escape tool in the book. I unlocked the door and looked both ways before bolting myself down the hallway.

I croched behind a wall when I heard voices. They went into a room right beside the wall. They forgot  to close the door and I listened to their conversation forgetting my mission to get out of this hell hole.

The first guy said, "We have to get the guy. The guy is getting in our way. Tony is lieing to us and then telling all of our information to another girl. The girl knows Sarah. They will eventually tell all of the information to Sarah and we won't be able to get anything out of her."

The second guy, I recognized as Johnny said, "Well then it is decided. We kill all that knows of the gang that isn't supposed to and then make Tony's life a living hell. Have a nice few days  Tony. They will be your last."

I heard chairs scrapping against the floor and ducked behind a plant as the guys came around the corner. They dropped a piece of paper and didn't notice. They continued on their way. As soon as they were out of site, I grabbed the piece of paper and ran out of the place as fast as I could. 

I was almost home free when I bumped into a wall. The last thing I remember before blacking out was Tony's face and him saying, "Well this is where you've been all this time. You had Gina very worried."


Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it. I will be uploading another story soon when I plan it all out. For all those people that are fans thanks. This chapter is one that is leading up to something more important. 



this chapters song is "I'm Not Ok (I Promise)" by: My Chemical Romance

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