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When we got back to the resort it has a public lounge downstairs and I see my brothers sitting there and I dig my nails into Jadens hand "ayo! Owww!" he says and I glare at him "I'm telling them okay," I warn and he looks at me and nods "okay babe," he leans forward and kisses me.

I walk over with Jaden and sit on the white couch opposite my brothers "heyyy," Chris says glaring at me "spill right now, you think you can not tell me I will pry it out of you!" Nick shouts making me laugh "well your all gonna hate me," I warn and Matt just glares at Jaden.

Jaden glares at him then taps my knee "what?" I asked annoyed "he's not gonna kill me right?" Jaden whispers still looking at Matt "ugh Matt please he did nothing," Matt looks away "good," I take a deep breath "I decided to be friends with Aiden again, okay let's go," I say quickly pulling on Jaden.

"WHAT?! after everything?!" Nick says followed by "what has possessed you?" Matt says and Chris starts cracking up "your joking right?!" Chris says looking at me and I run as I see Matt stand.

"JORDI COME HERE!" I hear Matt yell and I run super quick through the open lounge and then stop when I get to the pool.

"Jordi come here!" Jaden says walking up to me "yeah listen to your boyfriend Jordi Sturniolo," Nick warns and I giggle chuck my phone and air pods on the bench and dive into the pool.

I come to the surface to see Matt throwing pool noodles at me "get out and fight me!" Matt yells and I swim further into the pool, out of the triplets Matt is the brother who gets the most annoyed with stuff like this.

I keep swimming and Jaden glares at me "you are so dead! Wait until I tell mom you took him BACK!" Matt yells like a child "Don't you dare and I didn't take him BACK!" I shout and Jaden laughs taking off his shirt and diving into the pool.

"Come here you little bi-" he starts and then stops as I push his head under water "I am bored have fun you kids," Nick says walking off with Chris "you are a little bitch," Matt says to me annoyed and I blow him a kiss.

Jaden pulls me into a hug "kiss me," he wines and I move my face away from his "fine I will then," he says kissing me and I laugh "I'm never ever going home my mom is gonna kill me."

I look at Jaden and he smiles kissing me, we kiss for a bit longer until I hear Javon's voice "sorry to bother you but Jaden our parents are about to walk in," I quickly pull back from Jaden embarrassed "why are you embarrassed? Your the ones making out in a public space."

I get down off Jaden "okay thanks Wanna," I fake smiles and he gags rolling his eyes, "hi y'all so we're- why are you both in the pool with your clothes on?" Jessica asked confused and Javon is cracking up.

"We don't want to know, we're going out to dinner," Dj interrupts, me and Jaden start laughing "okay dad."


Slow Days [Jaden Walton]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum