Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter 34

(Jenn's POV)

Luke decided, since Sunday night, that he wanted to come with me to Springfield. Technically, this is a break for Luke. One Direction and 5SOS convinced them to have a small break between the Chicago concert and the next concert. We have a week until we have to be back.

Luke wanted to stay in Illinois because he liked it so much. We are staying down in Springfield tonight and leaving tomorrow for Chicago again. Luke bought us Chicago Cubs tickets and I am looking forward to this!

The ride from Chicago to Springfield is about five hours. We have been in this car for about 4 hours and 45 minutes. To past the time, we have been jamming out to some music, face timing the bands and sleeping. We switched every hour and a half on driving. It was Luke's turn for the rest of the way. The bands decided to stay in Chicago because they didn't have time to see their family for just a few days. Harry went back to his house in LA with Louis, everyone else is having a blast in Chicago.

"Jenn, look at the bridge!" Luke says loudly.

As I look up, we drive past a bridge that says 'Welcome to Springfield' on the sides of it. We are finally here! We already know what we are going to do today and then tomorrow. Today is the State Capitol, Lincoln Presidential Museum and the Lincoln House. Tomorrow is the Lincoln Memorial Grave and then we head for the two Zoos!

"Should we go to the hotel and check in? We can walk everywhere because parking is going to be living hell here," Luke says, looking out of his window.


He parks in a parking spot at the hotel and we walk in. The hotel is actually pretty nice, a nice buffet line for all meals, a cool lounge, the pool has slides and mat races and they sell Starbucks here. Amen.

As Luke checks in, I sit down on the sofa near the fireplace and open up my text messages from all the guys back in Chicago.

*How is Springifield????*

*Fine Louis. We just got here.*

*I miss you*

*I'm going to see you tomorrow....*

*But still, you are like my sister on the road.*

*Thanks, appreciate it.*

"Ready to go?" Luke says, interrupting me and Louis' text conversation.

"Yea, what floor are we on?" I ask.

"Umm," he says checking the note the front desk lady gave him, "234-123-456."

"Luke," I begin.


"That is a phone number. She gave you her number," I say kinda jealous.


I take the note from him and crumble it up and throw it in the nearest trash can. I grab the card that Luke was holding and check what room we are on.

"10th floor, room 409."

"Jenn, are you jealous?" he asks smirking.

"Noo..." I lie.

"I am not going to leave you for someone I just met for a second, I am keeping my promise I told you yesterday. I am not going to leave you, no matter how much you try. I let go of you once, that was a big mistake. I don't want it happening again," he says worried.

I pull him in a hug as we enter the elevator and continue the hug. It is nice to know that he has my back in anything I do. I am just happy we will see each other every day of the week, no matter what. He lives right next to me in Sydney.


"Thanks for visiting the Lincoln House, have a nice night," the tour guide says

It is around 10 pm, I am ready to sleep. All the attractions we went to were so historic. The Lincoln House was my favorite. The only real thing that we could actually touch was the railing down the stairs. There was his real shaving mirror, a desk and I believe a hat. The museum was creepy. The wax figures were very realistic. I was so afraid that they were going to pop out at me. The museum would be a perfect place for a social studies lesson in school, I totally learned a lot of things about Abraham Lincoln. The State Capitol was really cool. The governor, Pat Quinn, was in his office and we got to take a picture with him. Though I didn't know much about this state, we had a good talk.

The hotel had really nice lights on the outside and the indoors were dark. Some lights on. When we walk past the front desk, the same girl that gave Luke her number was there. She was staring at him and Luke just wrapped his arm around my waist. He knew that I was looking at her. Why was I worrying so much? I have Luke, he wouldn't hurt me like that again. He doesn't even know her name.



"Goodnight," he says.

I just realize that we were already in our hotel room. I was just staring at a blank wall. I walk into the bathroom, take all my makeup off and change into my pajamas really quickly.

I climb into bed and Luke slowly moves towards me. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me in closer to him.

"Goodnight Jenn," he moans.

"Night Luke, love you."

"Love you too."


"Turn right!" I shout.

"Okay!" he shouts back.

We are at the Lincoln Memorial Grave and the cemetery has many curves. We can see the tall statue (pictured above) from far so we just drive the ways we think it will be.

After another ten minutes, we pull up in front of the grave. A huge statue of a bunch of Lincoln's surround the area. There are doors leading inside, but they are locked. That must be where he and his family are buried. There is a small memorial in front of it, that has a face of Lincoln, but his nose is a completely different color than the rest of his face. Pennies are all around his head and I'm so confused.

"Lincoln was on the penny," Luke says.

"I knew that," I snap.

"Well did you know that his nose is a different color because you are suppose to rub it for good luck?" he asks.

"No..." I say looking down at Luke's hands, "you have your phone! You searched it up!"

"I needed to know."

I gently hit him on his arm and he pretends that he just got shot by a gun and falls to the ground and fake cries.

"Luke, we are in a cemetery."

"Oops, I forgot."

We pay our respects for Lincoln, as soon as a group of small kids come, we start walking towards our car. Luckily, none of them recognize us. They look about 12.

"Where to next?" he asks.

"Brookfield zoo!"


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