Chapter 12

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Trigger warning: Child abuse, violence, physical assault,blood, implied pedophilia.

I was laying on my bed, my room full of darkness. The lightnings outside being my only source of light, that light with the peculiar purple shade which was followed by the booming sound of thunder.

But then I heard him.

His laughter, the one that haunts me and my dreams, has been for years now.

I couldn't move as I was petrified from his presence alone. He was staring at me from across the room, looking at me through the darkness.

"Hello Kathryn," he said cackling, and tears were already forming in my eyes.

"Aren't you gonna turn and greet me?" He asked.

Shit, I could feel him smirking at my back.

"Go away," I whispered, and he began walking towards me. Every step more torturing than the last.

I closed my eyes, causing tears to roll down my cheeks, wetting my pillow. I could feel him breathing to my neck and I took sharp breaths trying to calm myself down.

"Turn around," he whispered ominously, but I didn't obey, I couldn't move. I just couldn't.

"Turn around!" he yelled harshly and grabbed me by my neck as I gasped in fear.

He forced me up by my neck and as I fought with his grip on me, I began to feel light headed.

My eyes finally met his and I sobbed.
He was painted again with red details around his eyes and smile.

"What did you say to me?" He asked furiously and I sobbed even harder as his grip tightened.

I can't do this, I want to wake up.

I want to leave this hellhole.

"What did you say to me! " He shouted even louder than before and I flinched.

Come on Kathryn, keep yourself together. He is not actually here.

He is gone.

"I said go away!" I yelled with sudden confidence, but he laughed and cruelly threw me to the ground.

I immediately stood up and ran for the door, but before I could even reach it, he pulled me back by my ankles and I cried when I hit the floor.

"Say it again," he said and started undoing his belt . I couldn’t stop bawling, feeling my prior confidence fade away and be replaced by pure fear.

"No, let go of me! " I screamed as he pulled my shirt just up my stomach and he laughed mercilessly.

"Say! It! Again!" He yelled and he slapped my stomach using the belt.

I screamed in terror and my eyes shot open.

Tears were streaming down my face, my hair was stuck on my head due to the sweat, my throat was dry and I felt my head pounding in pain.

It was over. Just another dream.

Damnit! He is gone, he is dead, but he is still here.

I tried to relax, but my tears just kept going, and so did the thunder outside.

Suddenly my door burst open and I shot up.

Logan walked inside with his claws out checking the area.

"What happened?" He asked me, concern in his voice.

When our eyes met and he saw my sore look, his expression softened. He nodded to himself and put his claws in.

"Kathryn you alright?" I heard Jean say as she and Scott walked inside.

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