Partners in crime

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The babymoon was everything that it was supposed to be. They had fun it was beautiful the sex was amazing and most importantly they were best friends again. The relationship had evolved even more to constant joking but even though the babymoon was great she was excited to be back home. One of her biggest fears was to give birth in Utah. Not because it wasnt great but because it wasn't home

She sat on the couch as Melo pulled in the luggage she heard him struggling but she also knew better than to ask if he needed help. When he was done he came over sitting beside her "how you feeling?" She asked  "Still feeling good glad to be home" "good" "how you feeling?" "We on the same page" she smiled he kissed her forehead "silly" "I'm silly?" "Yeah but you knew that though" "how was the trip for you?"

"Amazing im so glad I got my best friend back but I definitely was anxious about coming back" "anxious why?" "I didn't want everything that we built or all the fun we had during vacation just disappear since this is real life now" "that was real life too .... We were just in paradise now we in Heaven" "I fuckin love you" "I fuckin love you too" he laughed kissing her lips again he places his hand on her stomach

"that lil Nigga still kicking?" She laughed "he hasn't stopped since the plane ride.... Should we be worried?" "The doctor ask you to monitor the kicks right?" "Yeah but .... Like it's been a lot and she wanted me to do it every ten minutes but it's like .... Just from how I'm feeling I know for a fact it's an increase in movement and that's why she asked me to do it" "should we call?" "No it's not labor ..... I'll text her though" "you sure?" "Yeah it's just the anxiety and shit I think"

"well stop stressing ... maybe you should take a nap " "I'm not really sleepy baby " Melo kissed her forehead "what can I do?" "Relax .... And then I'll relax" he took a deep breath staring in her eyes "..... nine more weeks ..... we got this just hold on" she smiled "yesssss" Melo lifted her shirt  to talk to her belly "you hear us? Nine more weeks and not a second before" "stop looking at my stomach" "shutup girl I'm talking to my child" she laughed hitting him slightly

"I don't like the hair I wish I could wax it" she had grown a thin layer of hair on her bump from the bottom of her belly button to about the middle of her tummy .... Not a big deal to anybody but her "you want me to shave you?" She lifted an eyebrow "only if you do .... Everything especially right before labor" "what you want me to shave your pussy?" "I mean ... I would appreciate it I've been trying to figure out how I was gonna get rid of the hair before .... But now you'll shave it" she smiled "is it that important"

"not really but hair traps odor and I feel like she'll be going through enough ... you know pushing a whole human out so I just wanna let it be free like it'll be a lot going on might as well delete that factor and make it easier to clean and stuff idk what I'm trying to say" "I get it it'll be a little while before you can shower and I know that's about to bother you" "yeah like I can shower I just gotta be really careful" "well I'll make sure you are"  she exhaled "damn how we get on this conversation... all we talk about is me giving birth " she smiled slightly

"it don't matter..... I think you nervous" "yeah I am it's just a little crazy we rushed past 31 weeks .... Like?" "I know ten weeks from now it'll be a baby here" she bit her lip "the kicking is still happening" " and you sure you don't wanna call the doctor" "yeah now I'm getting worried" immediately he picks up the phone calling the doctor told them to go to the office and she'll meet them there.

Melo rushed to get YN to the doctor he was freaking out while telling her not to. "As soon as we get happy something is wrong with—" she started to speak but Melo shut that down "shhhh bae don't say that words are powerful" "our baby is perfect we're good" "yeah say that again" "can you calm down" he was driving a little crazy and his hands were shaking. She was already stressed but he definitely was making it worse.

"I'm trying" "okay that's all I can ask" "you know it's serious ... I don't wanna be delusional" "delusional and staying positive is two different things" "mhm" "how about you let me carry the worry for both of us" "but—" "nah focus on la" "who focuses on you though" "I got me and us" soon enough they were at the doctors office they checked in and then soon enough her obgyn was there.

It took two hours for a full work up but what they got from the whole thing was her blood pressure was too high and she needed to chill tf out.... So they put her on bed rest. YN was thankful it wasn't a bed rest that completely restricted her from doing everything but using the bathroom.

She could still take a relatively long shower she could still cook and clean and take walks and have gentle sex.... But not too often.

The baby was trying to come early... and that's what nobody wanted.

YN didn't like the strict orders and she really hated that Melo heard them. She didn't wanna put the baby in danger but she also didn't want to be in bed ... for the next nine weeks.

It's 24 hours a day you should be in the bed for 20 of them.

"Okay ... okay" YN couldn't help but pout. But she instantly stopped when she focused on the baby's strong heartbeat in the monitor. It made her smile mostly because she could see how relaxed Melo had become.

She noticed Melos phone kept buzzing and ringing but he wasn't paying it any attention. "Do you need to get that baby?" "It's gonna wait" she licked her lips he was so damn sexy. He said it like that so that she didn't press him cause he wasn't budging everything right now was about the safety and health of her and the baby... who cares who's calling and texting?

When everyone was done giving her her orders and was helped into a wheelchair and pushed back to Melos car. She glanced at him. "You can take it now I'm fine we're fine" he kept the car in the same spot responding to messages and then calling his family.

"Call your mama I told her what happened" "why?!" "Because it was important" Melo told his family what was going on and what YN had to do. Once she got off the phone YN called her sister.

Melo shook his head his was she going to be able to follow the instrsuctions from the doctor cause she damn sure didn't listen to him.

"You good? Ma called freaking out" her sister asks "let me just three way her in but yeah I'm good" YN adds her mom and her mom almost answers on the first damn ring.

"Im fine ma the baby is fine" "so what was the problem" "my blood pressure is high and im stressed or whatever they put me on bed rest" "strict bed rest?" "No I can still go on walks and do like easy house work" "oh okay that isn't too bad" "yeah but basically if I can do it sitting or laying down then I should be doing it like that" Melo grabbed the phone "I won't have her doing anything really I'm about to get a cook and a housekeeper"

YN's mom agreed that was a smart thing to do and then all three of them continued talking and talking and talking about her like she wasn't even there. "I'm ... here ya know?" YN glanced at him he could sense her attitude so he passed her the phone back.

"Ima go now can you guys relay the message to whoever else that me and the baby are fine" "yeah just really do bed rest YN" her mom stressed the importance of bed rest "yeah I'm not trying to have the baby early ima listen ... I love you" "I love you too bye" "byee" YN hangs up.

"Can we stop and get some food?" "Mhm what you in the mood for?" "Hot wings and a burger... and chicken tenders and broccoli with the vinegar" "sheesh" "is it too much?" "It's fine bae I'm just... trying to figure out where we can go to get all of that" "it's fine I'll just go to chick fil a" "no... you want all of it we're gonna get it all... ima get the wings delivered to the house don't want a burger from the wing place too?" "Yes that works" "okay then you can get the tenders from chick fil a" "I want shoestring fries tho" "un ... checkers we're gonna go to that diner" "mhm that works" "but the broccoli... where do you get that?" " don't remember but it'll be fine I think I can fix some later" "not really supposed to be cooking" "bae how long you think it take to steam some broccoli... I'll be fine I think that falls into the light routine" he smiled "I guess but don't push it" "mhm daddy you got it"

"You really scared me tho... I'm not gon Lie" "I wasn't trying to bae" "I know but ... just with everything like I feel... nevermind" "I'll say this im not going anywhere willingly and this baby is healthy I can feel it. So if I have to lay in bed for ten weeks I will. I know everyone is stressed because I don't listen but I'm not gonna play about my child's life.... I hope you would understand that more than anyone else cause we're partners." " yes bae of course... partners"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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