Daniel's Birthday

Start from the beginning

"I swear I hate you sometimes"Cosmo says walking past me with Daniel following behind him, Rose, dad and mom walk in and see me basically dying from laughter.

"What's so funny?"Mom asks me while Rose and dad laugh at my laugh, "Daniel made Cosmo match with him"I say through my laughter making all of us die of laughter again until the two of them come in making us all laugh even harder.

Once we have all calmed down mom tells us we should probably get going, "Okay come on you weirdos"Cosmo says and I slap his arm and pretends like it hurt him, "Cry baby"I mumble and he rolls his eyes and we get into the car, Henry is with mom's dad.

We all listen to Daniel talk while we drive to the play centre, we arrive around 30 minutes later and Daniel and me walk quickly in while waiting for the others.

"They are so slow!"Daniel complains, "I know right!"I agree with him and eventually they get into the building.

"Okay go and play"Mom tells us and me and Daniel squeal and he runs off off to play, I walk behind him and we go and play, we go down multiple slides and climb a lot things before I start to get tired.

"Daniel I'm tired can someone else to play with you?"I ask and he nods and runs off before I tiredly climb out of the play area and walk towards mom and dad and Rose.

"Did you have fun?"Mom asks me smiling, I nod and plop down on her lap, "Looks like someone had too much fun"Mom says and she rubs my arm gently.

I pick up my phone and start to scroll through Instagram, I then realise that I haven't asked mom if I can make an Instagram account.

"Mom can I make an Instagram account?"I ask her and look up to her, "Sure but you have to let me log into it as well or even Rose because of your safety"Mom says and I nod and make an account and give Rose my password because mom only has the outset account on her phone.

I scroll through my pictures and decide to post one but only with mom's permission, "Hey mom can I post this picture?"I ask and show her the picture, "Yes you can"Mom tells me before Daniel and Cosmo run to us to get a drink and then they run back in.

I scroll through my pictures and decide to post one but only with mom's permission, "Hey mom can I post this picture?"I ask and show her the picture, "Yes you can"Mom tells me before Daniel and Cosmo run to us to get a drink and then they run back in

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georgiajost: First post and yes my mother and father are Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost deal with it.

Rose laughs at my caption and shows mom making her roll her eyes and laugh as well, I sit and scroll through Instagram for a little bit while mom plays with some loose strands of my hair.

"Daniel and Cosmo come on it's time to go!"Dad shouts to Daniel and Cosmo, they both come running down both sweating and red faced.

I laugh at them and Daniel makes grabby hands to dad so he picks him up and all of us walk out of the play centre, I sit in the very back with Rose this time and Cosmo sits in the middle with Daniel.

"So what are we doing now?"Cosmo asks mom and dad, "We we're thinking about going home to do presents and then we will have a late lunch and then go to the park and then to dinner"Mom tells us, we all nod and agree with her and dad starts to drive home.

We get home and we all head back into the house, Daniel sits on the couch and all of us go and grab his presents, we all come back and hand him our presents.

He starts with Rose's and she got him a Lego set and some new trainers, he then opens Cosmo's and he got him a stuffed dinosaur and a colouring kit, he then opens mom's and dad's and they got him a new iPad because he broke his other one and then a case to put on it.

He then opens my present, I got him a dinosaur puzzle, a remote controlled car and a mini nerf gun, he jumps up and runs to hug us all.

We all head to the park after having lunch and Daniel holds my hand while we walk to the park, he wants to go to the playground so we head there and I go on the monkey bars with dad, me and him laugh the whole time.

We all decide to walk back home to get ready for dinner, mom and dad are with Rose and Cosmo while Daniel plays for another 5 minutes so I decide to and look at the flowers.

I stare at the flowers but then I knock into someone, "Oh my god I'm so sorry"I say and look up to see a beautiful girl standing there with a smile on her face, "It's fine, what's your name?"The girl asks me, "Georgia, what's yours?"I ask her, "Megan, it's nice to meet you Georgia"Megan says and smiles at me, "You too"I say and blush as she continues to smile at me, "Can I get your number?"She asks me, "Sure"I say and I put my number into her phone, "I'll see you around Georgia"Megan says and waves at me, "Bye Megan"I say and wave before walking back to everyone else.

"Who was that girl?"Rose asks me as we walk behind everyone else, "I bumped into her when I was looking at the flowers, her name is Megan and I gave her my number"I say smiling, "Oh my god that means she likes you"Rose tells me, "No we are just going to be friends"I say to her, "No that means she likes you Georgia!"Rose says excitedly, "Shut up Rose!"I say and she brings me into a hug, "So are you a lesbian?"Rose whispers to me, "Yes I am but don't tell mom or anyone else because I'm not ready yet"I whisper to her, she nods and jumps up and down.

We get back home and we all head to get ready to go to dinner, I have a quick shower and straighten my hair before doing my skincare and then getting dressed.


I walk downstairs and we all head out to the car again for the third time today and we head to a nice restaurant not too far from the house

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I walk downstairs and we all head out to the car again for the third time today and we head to a nice restaurant not too far from the house.

We all sit down and eat our meals and then we get a cake brought out for Daniel and sing him happy birthday before bringing the cake home after having a slice and then going home again.

Today was very eventful and I really hope my now 5 year old brother enjoyed his birthday, he deserved it.

1723 words

Not proofread



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