Chapter four

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It was now the morning and Lucy looked around and saw she was still in the ruined town with her friends.
Lucy yawned from being tired having only gotten a couple of hours of sleep.
The group soon left the village and began looking around.
Ember: we don't know how many are still alive so we should be careful.
They saw some infected people were chasing them and they ran.
They were almost surrounded so they went into the building that was their only way out.
None of the infected people seemed to even get close to this building.
Lucy: is there something wrong with this building?
The door slammed shut behind them and they continued walking into the poorly lit hallway.
They could see doors on both sides of them and soon all of the doors slowly opened.
Lucy telepathically speaking: guys... we're surrounded!
The group turned around and formed a circle.
Lucy was fighting two Eevees , a shiny one and a normal one.
Lucy slammed her fists on to the top of their heads.
Eevee 1: you think we're going to lose that easy... we were trained for this for our whole lives!
Eevee 2: Yah!
The Eevees withdrew blades from their scruff fur and used them to slash Lucy's arms.
They aimed their blades for the gut but she skillfully grabbed them by the blade and flipped them around and kicked the Eevees down and held the knives to their throats before knocking them out.
Lucy picked the Eevees up and stepped over the bodies on the ground...
Lucy: these ones look young... no one will notice if I stay in back.
The group walked on to the end of the hallway and saw a door which they proceeded to enter.
There was Pokémon in that room that wanted to kill them... so they only followed the golden rule.
They walked over the bodies.
Lucy was starting to get tired from fighting while holding the two Eevees and Nio but she kept going.
Lucy tied the blades to the two Eevees paws.
The next round of attackers came and Lucy was being attacked by a pichu and a delfox.
The delfox pinned Lucy to the ground with a blade to her neck.
Delfox: try anything and I'll kill you in a instant.
Lucy smirked and threw the two knocked out Eevees above the delfox and they fell with the blades downward and impaled the delfox.
Lucy picked up the still knocked out eevees.
Once they got to the last room of this battle mansion Lucy asked.
Lucy: why are we killing these Pokémon... they may be bad but for all we know they could be the only living Pokémon on earth.
The mass of Pokémon this time was even bigger and harder.
The whole group was pinned down.
???: hah! You think you could beat us as easily as you did with those measly groups... that's where we put the weakest... we can spare them dying but with the strongest members here... they won't die... from pure luck.
Lucy looked around for any way to save herself but every part of her body was pinned.
Two Eevees jumped out.
Eevee 1: you call us weak!
Eevee 2: you big meany!
The two Eevees stabbed the Pokémon pinning the group members in the necks killing them.
Lucy got up and started helping.
After a long time of almost dying and barely surviving the battle the group barely won and was half dead.
Lucy: ... so what... are... your... names...
Eevee 1: I don't have a name.
Eevee 2 (the shiny one): no one named me but you can!
Lucy: ok you can be named... silver.
Silver smiled.

A few hours later

It was night and everyone was asleep except for silver and the other Eevee.
Silver: let's be good now.
The other Eevee winked but silver didn't know what it meant.

A couple of days later

It was night and only the Eevee was awake the Eevee pulled out it's blade and slashed flares throat.
There was a blood curdling scream and silver woke up.
silver got mad and tried to cover the would on flare but she wouldn't wake up.
Silver: sh- she's dead!
Silver lunged at her brother with her blade and impaled him.
Silver: this is what you get....
A tear went down the Eevees face as he died.
Silver frowned....
Silver: it didn't have to end like this... brother...
Silver had blood on her paws but she didn't bother to wash it off and she went back to sleep.

The next morning

Torch: E- embers dead!!! So is the Eevee!!! Silver killed them!
Silver: your right! I killed my own brother! So what!
Torch: your gonna regret what you did.
Torch grabbed a mini blade and stabbed silver in the throat.
Silver let out a shriek as blood spilled out and she tried to cover it.
Silver fell to the ground and shoved her blanket up the hole.
Silver arose and drew her blade.
Silver: your going to regret what you did! Time to join flare!
Silver lunged at torch before being stopped by Lucy.
Torch: She killed flare and the Eevee.
Lucy: make one move and your both dead! We can't kill any of the survivors of the infection... for all we know we could be the only ones left.
Torch: bu-
Silver: Shut up!
Lucy bandaged the wound and they began walking again... Lucy was carrying silver.
Ember frowned and was sad because his mother had died.
They soon got to a far away town and peeped inside but all they saw was infected people.
Lycan: darn it!
Lucy saw a private jet parked and got a bad idea... so bad it could be good? No.
Lucy ran to the plane.
Lucy: let's ride in this... people on planes probably haven't been infected yet... right?
Silver: Yah...
Torch: murderer...
They all piled into the plane and Rock who also knew how to fly planes flew the plane.
Rock: so where do you want me to land?
Lucy: how about...
Lucy pointed at a map.
Lucy: Here!
Rock: ok... that's really far away though...
The group: fine by me.

I might not edit this story for a while due to me trying to make a super long story

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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