Chapter three

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Lunar: oh no! Oh... it didn't break the flesh... good... but I have to run fast!
Lunar sprinted faster despite her muscles, lungs, and bones screaming for her to stop.
Lunar felt like her lungs would burst but she pushed herself to run even faster until lunar was running almost as fast as Lucy could.
Lunar crashed into a building and heard the scream of seven Pokémon... four had been bitten.
Lunar: you three come with me... those guys are infected now.
Person 1: yes anything to get us out of here!
Lunar sprinted only slow enough to be in back so she could see any approaching infected Pokémon.
Lunar and the group sprinted but on their way through a building it collapsed on them.
Lunar: it's ok guy... we just have to get to the top and dig our way out.
Person 3: why the top?
Lunar: because on the bottom any wrong move will kill us.
They began digging and saw a beam of light but this had metal for a roof.
Lunar: darn it!


5 days later

Lucy: do you think lunar is ok? She's been gone for a really long time...
Lycan: she probably got infected.
Lucy: wow that's comforting... at least the infected are still confined to the old town.
Lycan: Yah... I'm gonna miss that place though.
Lucy: same here... everyone hates us in this new town... they all blame us for what happened... also... do you think we can get medical attention here... Nio isn't getting any better,
Lycan: we don't have any money so... not unless it's free...
Lucy: I hope Nio doesn't die...
Lucy: hey... there's a hospital collage over there... don they sometimes treat people for free?
Lycan: sometimes but I've never heard of that one...
Lucy: let go!
Lucy ran over there despite the town people yelling.
Lucy got in the building and saw the profesor.
Lucy: hi profesor Can you tr-
Profesor: no! no one with you can be treated here! And if anyone here tries to treat them they will be banned from this college!
Student 1: but we are supposedly help people not let them die... who needs treated?
Profesor: if you treat them your banned.
Student 1: I don't care! This place sucks!
Lucy: this Eevee.
Student 1: what's his name? Why is he black?
Lucy: his name is Nio and when I found him he looked normal but I got infected and he cured me and collapsed after and his fur turned black...
Student 1: let's get out of this town before we treat him.
They left the town and the student began treating Nio.
Student 1: I'm glad you took him now or he would have starved.
Student 1: also... he's in a coma... it can last for a long time!


A Pokémon runs through the forest...
The Pokémon looks at a small group of Pokémon...
???: it's my mission...
The Pokémon leapt into the air and brought his small fist down on one of their heads...


Lycan was knocked out and Lucy turned to see the attacker who was a raichu.
Lucy: what was that for!
Lucy attacked and soon had the raichu pinned.
Raichu: this world is meant to end and regrow better... and you stand in the way of that happening.
Lucy scrolled through his mind to find his name... zip.
Lucy: shut up zip! I'm gonna stop this and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
Zip: oh really... I could kill your friends one by one... now hand over the glowing stone.
As zip said this he held a very sharpened stone to lycan's neck.
Lucy had no choice but to say.
Lucy: ok.
Lucy: please Spark wake up do something!
The machine began glowing as Lucy handed it over.
Sparks came out of it until a hologram formed and soon turned into a jolteon.
Spark punched zip in the face.
Spark: we have to run!!! Lunar is in trouble and a infected person had escaped the old town!
Lucy: so your not even going to mention how you just turned into a normal Pokémon?
Spark: I formed here... I guess im stuck here now...
Lycan woke up.
Lucy: hi lycan!
Lycan: who's that?
Lucy: spark.
Lycan: so Can you explain how you know this guy.
Spark: no time for chit chat we have to save your friend.
Lucy, spark, the student, lycan, and Nio in a backpack went to rescue lunar from whatever trouble she had gotten into.
Lucy soon saw the old town and was sad to see it was more destroyed than last time she was there.
Lucy heard a scraping noise coming from the roof of a collapsed building and checked for aura.
Lucy: someone's in there!
Lycan: Yah we all know... but what if they're infected...
Lucy: they aren't... their aura is healthy... I think they're lunar... there's others to!
Lycan: so she was right?
Lucy: Yah.
They went and open a hole in the roof and Lunar's head popped up alongside a kitten and two torracats.
Lucy: hi!
Lycan: this is getting confusing... we need to teach everyone each other's names since soon we might be the only Pokémon left alive... might as well get to know each other.
Lucy: Yah.
Lucy: my name is Lucy.
Lycan: my name is lycan.
Lunar: my name is lunar.
Student (lycanroc midnight form) : my name is rock.
Spark: my name is spark.
Lucy: his name is Nio.
Litten: my name is ember.
Female torracat: my name is flare.
Male torracat: my name is torch.
Lucy: ok... i think that's all of us... remember those names for later...
The group hid in a stable abandoned bus and slept.

3 hours later

Lucy woke up and hear a weird noise coming from one of the nearby bushes.
???: m..... n...... I.....Tristan.
Lucy: ?
Lucy hesitantly approached the bush and pulled back the leaves to reveal a male ninetails.
Ninetails: r..... e...... m........ re...... me...... rem.... Me.... Reme...... me..... remem.... Me..... rememb..... me remembe... me.... Remember..... me.....
Lucy: sorry... I don't think I've ever met a ninetails.
The ninetails grabbed Lucy by the spike and pinned her to the ground.
???: my name is Tristan... REMEMBER ME OR IT WILL BE YOUR DEATH!
Lucy: was that a threat?
Tristan: that is my warning... if you don't struggle to remember you will die...
The ninetails turned into a shadow in the night and disappeared.
Lucy had trouble finding sleep that night...

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