Chapter 38 ~ International Act

Start from the beginning

My sob became louder enough to everyone hear. I felt someone's soft hand on my shoulder.

I turned back and saw Rosalyn standing there and looking at me with a concerned face. She care about me.

She asked in a mild tone, "what happened Asher?"

I kept sniffing. I hugged her and said, "M-Min-Jun... Sh-she.. became zombie. She was a good friend Rose.."

She asked, "when?"

I said, "just a minute ago. Even when she was struggling, she asked me to save her children and tear the mask of Theodore."

She asked confused, "Theodore? Tear his mask? I thought he was good."

I said, "that's the real problem in this world. People seem to be very good. But they act as hell to be good and have evil things in their mind. It's probably like a black heart which is painted white. We believe it is white. But it's black inside."

She chuckled and said, "I've seen many things like this. Don't worry. We can reveal his true face to this world soon and save her children."

I nodded. She's really good in consoling. And I feel good when I hug her when I'm sad.

I want to be like this the whole lifetime. I want to hug her when I'm sad. I want to kiss her before I go to work. I want to lie on her lap when I'm tired.

She said, "how are you going to find Min-Jun's children. You don't know where are they.."

I said, "I'm going to send people there in a jet and save them. I will risk anything in my life to save them. Because it's her last wish."

She nodded her head and said, "I understand. They will be safe."

We broke the hug and she calmed me down by rubbing my shoulder.

I said, "I will sit in car for sometimes. I wish to be alone." In which she nodded. She turned to leave when I held her wrist stopping her.

She turned back and gave a confused look. I said, "I want you there to calm me when I'm alone."

She chuckled and said, "sure. I will stay by your side this whole lifetime."

These words somehow have me confidence. She always make me feel good.

We sat in the car trying to calm my mind. I took a sharp intake. But tears felt from my eyes uncontrollable.

I took my phone and dialled a person's muber who is working in military in Korea. He could save her children.

He attended in two rings.

I said between my sobs, "I want a favour from you Kim. I have a friend who died just few minutes ago. I want you to save her children."

He asked, "who?"

I instantly said, "Her name is Min-Jun. She was working with me. She's my colleague."

Kim asked, "umm... The person who accompanied you to US?"

I replied, "yeah! I have a family photo of her which she uploaded in social media few days ago. I will send it. Please save the children."

He asked, "what about her husband? You don't want me to rescue him?"

I paused. Finally I said, "no.. her husband was the one who bit her."

I realised how the world has become. Husbands killing their wives, mother killing her child, wife killing her husband etc..

The world have become more cruel lacking humanity. The only thing available in this world inbetween humans is aggression!

The world have become a nightmare. I've never thought that the compete world might be at stake.

I am now scared! Scared of losing my loving ones. I don't want to lose anyone in my life from now onwards.

I am prone to kill Theodore for this. And I am determined at my decision.

I dialled Theodore's number. I will catch him in his own way. He attended the call in 1 ring.

I heard a "hello" from the opposite side.

I asked, "I called you just for learning the status. How's the evacuation going on?"

He said, "yeah! It's going great. How's my Son and zhuri?"

I said, "they're completely fine. Don't worry about them. I wonder how you know zhuri.. because I know her before. She's not that good."

Theodore said, "what are you talking? I thought she's perfect for my son. Even now, I'm damn sure that she's perfect for my son."

I asked, "And.. why is that?"

I asked this because I have doubts regarding zhuri. Because why Theodore should select her? How did he know her? How did he find her in US? How the fuck is zhuri and he is related?

Theodore said, "because I know her biological father very well. He's my best friend and colleague. How can I leave her?"

I asked, "so, zhuri's father was your friend until he died?"

He chuckled and said, "he didn't die.. he's working with me still now.."

Working with him still now? Why didn't zhuri's father stay with her past 4 years in US?

There is something so big in this.. something is amiss..

Theodore asked, "can I ask why do you ask that?"

I said, "nothing.. I mean nothing is wrong. I asked just because I know Zhuri very well. That's all. Nothing big."

He said, "I hope there's nothing else. Please stay safe. Because I see you like my own son. Also take care of your girlfriend dear. I'll hung up."

What an international act!!

"Wait!" I stopped him.


I have nothing other than to ask if the chapter was good. Only few chapters away to complete this story.

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