Chapter 34 ~ The Comeback Of Zombies

Start from the beginning

I held his hand and said, "I'm with you. Carl, Max, pearl, and my mom.. all are with you. Don't worry."

He smiled at me and said, "thank you kitty."

I like how he calls me with different nicknames. I love it like him.

I asked him all of sudden, "where are my friends?"

He said, "they're staying in my guest house. I arranged a job for them in my company. They will start working from next week."

I said, "I love this new life Asher." In which he replied, "me too"

Suddenly I noticed someone rushing towards us. It was like a zombie. When it came closer, I could see it clearly.

It was a zombie for damn sure! How is it even possible. I saw Asher with a shocked face. He was shocked as well.

We don't know what the heck is happening around us.

We waited no further and started running away from the zombie and reached our car.

We got into the car soon and saw out to see what was happening. The zombie we saw earlier bit a lady in 30s. Soon she turned into agressive as well as Zombies.

I closed the car window and asked Asher, "what the hell is happening Asher?"

He said, "I have no idea. Let's Escape from here first."

He ignited the engine and the car started moving. I was in dead fear. He turned on radio in the car which was speaking in the language that I don't understand.

But when I looked at Asher, he seem to be understood. I asked, "what happened?"

He said, "the virus started spreading all over Asia. Even if we start vaccination now, it will almost take 3 months to provide vaccination for whole population. Before that, the world might get destroyed!"

I was scared now. A lot scared now! I asked, "will my antibodies still work?"

He said, "why not? It will work. Thank God you'll be safe."

I was more scared now. Because I don't want to live a life without my family. I don't want to see my family becoming zombies when I'm alright.

I asked him, "when will this be over?"

He said, "in three months! And there's an urgent health conference I should attend in 30 minutes by online. I should find a safe place."

I asked, "you mean like places where zombies will not exist?" In which he nodded.

I was thinking of safe place for us. Suddenly an idea glitched in my mind. 'STAY IN DARK!'

That's the only way to avoid zombies. I said, "dense forest!"

Asher looked at me with confusion. I said, "right now, we're going to home and get camping things and make our way to a dense forest. We have no way other than that. You also know Indian is a densely populated country. If infection starts, this country will be a black hole fir people."

Asher nodded. I could clearly see panick in his face. He's scared as hell.

I said, "I'll call Carl, max, my mom and my sisters and my friends to get camping things. And then I'm going to send them a location of dense forest where we are going to put a camp."

He replied, "ok! Don't forget to send me location first of all." In which I nodded.

How the heck it is possible for zombie spread here. All the borders should've been closed right?

With a lot of questions running in my head, I sent Asher the location of a dense forest nearby I found in Google.

I'm not sure about my plan, but I should do something right? Something that's gonna save us. Please God, my plan should work!

I held Asher's hand tightly and don't wanna leave. I don't want him to leave from my whole life. I can't meet loneliness again. I can't face it.

I asked Asher, "everything will be alright nah? We will be fine right? I don't want to lose you!"

He held my palm more tightly and said, "I will always stay with you. We will be fine. I just got a message from UN. they will pick us from the forest throught helicopter today evening. Stay calm."

I was breathing hard in panick while he was consoling me.

I said, "I will call everyone and inform them to bring camping things. Also I need to send location to everyone."

He understood and nodded. I sent location to everyone. And then I started dialling everyone's number and informed them about my plan.

They all agreed. They are on the way now.

We have to survive this. I don't even want to lose a single relationship by now. And I'm determined about that.


How y'all doing? This is a double update because I haven't uploaded for days and it kinda sucks.

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