Shifting, Sara wrapped her arms around Felicity. "Maybe we can talk Heard into putting you here."

"He won't listen. He never listens." Felicity muttered.

The older blonde sighs softly. "It's worth a shot."

Felicity leaned into Sara's arms and sighed deeply.

"I love you." Sara whispers.

"I love you too." Felicity said quietly.

They sat there for a few minutes before the alarm suddenly goes off. "All ambulances report to gas station explosion."

Felicity and Sara jumped to their feet.

Maya was already heading to her ambulance, fully dressed.

Felicity and Sara followed Maya as Nico and Kim came out of their rooms.

Nyssa was already waiting for Maya at their ambulance.

Maya grabbed her jacket and climbed into the driver's seat.

Climbing into the passenger seat, Nyssa looks over at her.

"You okay?" Maya asked.

The brunette shakes her head and holds up her notepad. 'I miss Riley.'

Maya smiled softly. "The shift will pass quickly and then you'll be able to see her again."

Nyssa nods her head and sighs softly.

Maya started the engine and began driving.

The brunette was silent until they reached the scene, a gasp leaving her. There was a car hanging from the power lines that must have been blown up into them when the explosion happened. Loads of people were lying disoriented from the explosion. There was a fire burning widely and firefighters were already trying to put it out.

"Oh gosh." Maya said. "We are going to need more people." She lifted her walkie talkie. "Dispatch this is station 19 ambulance nine requesting additional ambulances to my location."

Nyssa was already getting out of the ambulance and grabbing her bag from the back.

Maya followed as the rest of the team pulled up.

"Holy shit." Sara breathed out, her eyes wide.

"Oh god." Felicity said as she and Sara followed Maya and Nyssa.

Nyssa was already beside a child, checking her injuries.

Sara and Felicity parted ways to treat other victims.

This was one crazy scene for all of Station 19, multiple casualties and injuries.

Andy was yelling things at her team.

Maya was doing the same with her group, making sure they all worked together.

"This place is going to explode if we don't get that fire out." Andy yelled.

"Working on it Captain!" Montgomery yells back, aiming one of the fire hoses at the main section of the fire.

"Let's move any patients who can walk over to a triage area and get those who are worse off to the hospital." Maya called.

Nyssa had already tagged a few DOA's that were children. Slowly moving closer to the gas station.

"Raatko, don't go any closer than that, not until Andy and her team get the fire under control." Maya said.

But Nyssa hadn't heard her. Her focus was on a young child, no older than seven laying on the ground near the doors of the gas station. She continued to move forward just as an explosion rocked the ground and she was sent flying into the wall of the gas station. Her head bouncing off the bricks before she dropped to the ground with a thud.

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